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2018/12/19 22:58:20瀏覽1669|回應0|推薦9 | |
今天要來介紹高雄 高雄是個有山有海有人文的城市,如果你想要精華地認識這個城市,也許可以考慮六天五夜的深度之旅, 當然, 要認識一個都市, 例如倫敦,至少要待一週到一個月. 無論是想探尋文化的,美食的,城市的,藝術的,傳統的,現代的,科技的,農家味的,宗教的,高雄都是你值得來探訪的城市 身為一位自助旅行者, 我們會使用高雄的大眾交通工具 This schedule is for foreign traveler which you can wander and know much this city, here you can find the great view of sea, mountain, culture, many different religions and art, technique... this is a modern fashion city consist of traditional elements. and we use buses, caoches, MRT and Train, also LRT. now, we just stay in Kaohsiung, for 6 day or more. 上個月我去長崎做了主題式的旅行. 我覺得高雄也可以做主題是自助旅行, 身為背包客,利用各種大眾運輸交通工具是必備的. 我就不介紹租機車或汽車啦~這不在我的討論範圍內. 進入主題: first, we need a MRT card(as an oyerst card in London), get a station and have one, and you can use it for MRT, bus, caoch, LRT and even for Train is allowed to use. 首先, 要到任一個捷運車站買一張一卡通普卡,就像一張八達通, 然後儲值(你可以儲值多一點), 就可以坐公車, 客運,捷運,輕軌和台鐵區間車. 跟其他城市一樣,刷卡就可以了 As you can find most of you even don’t know this beautiful city in south Taiwan, I designed a 6 days schedule around Kaohsiung city, include the urge. Most of traveler knows this city as The Pier-2 Art Center(駁二藝術特區), Love River, Sizihwan, central park, or night market…etc, but you may not know other beautiful views like Cishan, Meinong, Maolin, and Baolai… 我發現來台灣旅行的人,很少會來高雄,來了高雄也是兩天或者路過直接去墾丁, 其實很可惜,高雄是個很豐富的城市。 大家搜尋都能找到包括駁二、愛河、西子灣、中央公園、夜市等觀光資訊,但你可能不知道,高雄有除了旗津,還有旗山、美濃、茂林和寶來等值得探訪的地方,甚至,你可以來泡溫泉喔! So if I am the traveler, I will spend 6 days here. One day for the city town, to find the atmosphere in South Taiwan, to walk around the sea in Cijin. Two days for the old districts in the city, one is located at North Kaohsiung called Zuoying, another is at South Kaohsiung called Fonshang, these two are developed early. And another day for mountain area in Meinong or Cishan, and Baolai to enjoy the hot spring. The last day I will arrange to go shopping before I leave Taiwan, or maybe not. 如果是我,我會安排一天逛城市,到旗津看海、吃海產,兩天逛舊城──鳳山舊城和左營舊城──各在高雄南邊和北邊。然後花兩天玩山區,去美濃、旗山還有寶來泡溫泉,最後一天在上飛機前可以安排逛街。 Day 1: walk around the city城市之旅 Be sure bring your MRT card and we will take buses. 帶著你的一卡通,搭公車逛市區。 Starting at MRT cultural center(O7), take bus number 77, along the Wufu Road, bus will go through some interesting sceneries, like cultural center, Water Tower Park, Shinkuchan, central park. Near cultural center there are a lot of delicious restaurants and osteria, you can just choose one for dinner. 從捷運文化中心站出發,搭上77號車,一路沿著五福路,欣賞城市風光,這條路會經過文化中心、自來水公園、新崛江、中央公園、愛河,以及全台第一座教堂──玫瑰聖母堂──它是高雄的主教座堂。文化中心附近的林泉街也是美食餐廳的一級戰區。 文化中心 (最近開始自來水公園附近有很多的壁畫,還有我不知道為什麼的很多鹿 它還常常變色) If you are Christian,you may visit the Rosary Cathedral near the Love river, it is the first Church in Taiwan from 1886. Then have a walk along the most famous river.
天主教玫瑰聖母聖殿Rosary Cathedral Love River愛河 You can go along the road by bus or just walk to the Kaohsiung Museum of History and Kaohsiung Music Center(KMC), then you can find you are at the elder district, Yancheng District. 繼續沿著五福路走,可以參觀高雄歷史博物館和海洋文化及流行音樂中心,然後走到老鹽埕區。當然,繼續走可以晃到鼓山渡船頭,這中間有很多老街區和建築可以參觀,例如武聖殿、英國領事館。然後搭渡輪去旗津走走沙灘、看看海、逛逛天后宮附近的夜市、吃個海鮮,再搭船回到本島。(搭渡輪也是用一卡通喔)
高雄歷史博物館Kaohsiung Museum of History 你也可以從中央公園或玫瑰堂對面(雄女)轉搭50號公車直接去鼓山渡船頭,在附近走走,再坐船到旗津。 Another way is take the bus number 50 at the central park or the stop in the opposite direction of the Cathedral, to the pier and take the ferry to Cijin. (also with MRT card.)
旗津 sunset at Cijin 出了渡輪站你可以從捷運西子灣站搭50號回來到中央公園站,旁邊就是熱鬧的新堀江。After walking at the beautiful beach and enjoying the seafood, go back to the pier, when you arrive MRT Sizihwan(O1), take bus 50 to central park, near the large park is Shinkuchan Shopping Area, you may buy something modern, fashion and street food here, it’s a place teenagers like. 新堀江是比較多年輕人聚集的地方,有很多流行服飾和美食小吃。或者你可以選擇到駁二逛逛,它就在捷運西子灣站(輕軌哈瑪星站)附近,或是假日夜晚愛河和文化中心都會有藝術市集。
On holiday there are art markets around culture center and the both side of the Love River. Plus, Love River will be more beautiful and interesting in future, I guess. *Tour for lovers 愛情之旅 借圖: This is London eye Central parkàmorning marketàbreakfastàSTAR PLACE(Dali Boutique department store) to pick your wedding ringàMRT Formosa BoulevardàExit 4 or 7 to choose your wedding dressesàLiouhe night market for dinnerà bus 52 to central park, then go to Love River, take a walk around the river side, have a drink or coffee, take the boat for loversàkiss and have a good dream. Central park 如果你住在中央公園附近,清晨,漫步在的鳥語啾鳴的中央公園,趁著店都還未營業前逛逛新堀江附近的早市,吃個早餐,中午可在中央公園對面的大立精品店挑選婚戒,用個午餐然後搭捷運到美麗島站,中正路的出口找一家婚紗店,他們會幫你安排一切。接近傍晚可到附近的觀光夜市──六合夜市享用美食,搭上52號公車回到中央公園,稍作休息再出門搭上77號公車到愛河,沿著河邊散散步,喝杯咖啡,搭上愛之船,享受兩人時光。 美麗島站這應該算是高雄旅行的基本款 中正路婚紗街 大立精品百貨(在拍時某路人經過跟我說:大顆欸(台語)) 中央公園靠近民生路-現在是李科永紀念圖書館(好像是吧,以前的文學館) 捷運中央公園站出口前(小心噴水XD) Or you just go hiking to the mountain to look down the spectacle landscape. Of course you can take bus 100 from Kaohsiung train station, get off at the stop called 85 building, it’s the highest building in Kaohsiung, there you may see the great city view, just like SKY Tower in London! 或者你兩個方案都不要,就在壽山公園站下公車,爬上壽山,走一段路到忠烈祠那兒可以欣賞高雄市的夜景。當然,你也可以選擇搭100號公車到85大樓站下車,買票登上高雄最高的樓層俯瞰城市美景。 從壽山忠烈祠遠眺高雄市 Day 2 Zuoying左營舊城和左營區 從火車站搭台鐵到左營舊城站,開始一天的旅程,參觀舊城的歷史城牆、到著名的蓮池潭、龍虎塔逛逛,附近還有孔廟,這一路可搭公車或者走路,左營有眾多的眷村美食。因為不是左營人,就無法介紹太多啦!結束古城的探訪,如果你喜歡藝術,可搭台鐵到美術館站或內惟站,內惟有個市場,也可以走森林步道直通美術館,園區很大。如果從美術館,可搭168東到凹子底站,轉捷運或168西坐到漢神巨蛋站,逛百貨公司或直衝附近的瑞豐夜市。 蓮池潭Lotus Pond 孔廟Confucius Temple 1.Take train to Zuoying old town, here are famous veterans food, scenery such as Confucius Temple, Lotus Pond(Lianchihtan)、Dragon Tiger Tower, you can travel around here half a day. Then get the train to Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, take some time here if you like arts, and not so far, you can find a beautiful place, Neiwei。還有內惟和中都濕地公園值得逛。 公車:由高雄火車站前搭乘205、301至左營農會站,沿勝利路步行到達。Take bus 205 or 301 from Kaohsiung train station to Lianchihtan.
拱辰們(舊城東門) 2. Get on the bus 168 west/east to Hanshan Arena, here’s a famous night market near the department store. I don’t know well here, so get a map at station with you. More information here: 舊城東門à眷村文化館à龍虎塔à春秋閣à五里亭à北極亭à孔廟 http://whuy123.pixnet.net/blog/post/149662294 *Follow our mayor to find delicious food at Zuoying跟著市長逛左營:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXh609HBhjs 以前去的旅行:http://blog.udn.com/Biancabeth/52172921 Day 3 鳳山舊城和鳳山區 Take bus 88 from Kaohsiung to Dadong Arts Center(MRT O13), then walk around here Fongshan, you can find Fongshan Longshan Buddhist Temple(龍山寺), Old Fongshan City Wall, Chenghuang Taoist Temple(鳳邑城隍廟), Caogong Canal(曹公圳), Caogong Taoist Temple(曹公廟), Fongyi Academy(鳳儀書院), Syunfong, Pingcheng and Chenglan Emplacements(訓風、平城、澄瀾砲台), East Gate(東便門),you also can take train to Fongshan station, start from here. Pingcheng and Emplacement平城砲台 鳳邑城隍廟 鳳儀書院Fongyi Academy I think you need a map to help you. https://fsdo.kcg.gov.tw/cp.aspx?n=6C703A2079E36479
If you get up early, go the largest morning market here at Fongshan, it calls FongNong market. 除了以上景點,建議你早一點起床,逛逛鳳農市場,以及一個台語叫兵仔市的市場,查查地圖吧,因為俺也不熟悉鳳山XD。 No...I wont get up early...
More information here: https://permio1.com/2018-khbike/ And don’t forget to visit Weiwuying National Art Perform Center(MRT O10). 衛武營國家展演中心最近開幕, 我是還沒去過
岡山-岡山之眼遠眺阿公店溪 Day 4 & 5 Cishan, Meinong, Baolai, Maolin旗山、美濃、寶來、茂林 You can take a coach near the Kaohsiung train station to Meinong, Cishan, and Maolin, the famous food at Meinong is Hakka food, Purlin(粄條). At this Mountain area Meinong is a little town full with special Hakka culture. 山間的客家文化是值得探尋的,美濃中正湖和客家風格建築不容錯過。結束行旅後吃上一碗美濃粄條和其他客家小炒吧! 中正湖 美濃鎮上古蹟 And Cishan is famous with a fruit banana, at Cishan old street you can find so many products are made of banana. 旗山老街也值得一訪,旗山以香蕉聞名,發展了一系列各有特色的香蕉口味產品,記得帶一份伴手禮吧!旗山老街附近還有著名的天后宮、武聖殿,如果你對宗教有興趣,可入內參觀。 旗山老街Cishan 旗山武聖殿 Another place is Maolin and Baolai, there you can experience the hot spring and some Aboriginal culture. But you may have to buy tickets to allowed go inside, be sure to ask the correctly information before you go. 探訪原住民文化,到寶來泡溫泉也是一大選擇,只不過進入茂林需要買票。 *我很久沒去了請先確認資訊 I think you need spend 2 days here in the suburban district of Kaohsiung, because of the public transport. These mountain areas are good to visit, but the problem is, traffic here are not so convenient. So I wish the new city mayor can solve the problem.
高雄郊區是絕對值得停留的旅行點,但是對外交通除了班次較少的客運和台灣好行,對旅行者來說是很難到達的,就像我去巨石陣一樣,到了鄉下的城,還要參加local tour才可能到達得了巨石陣。所以除非交通方便,若沒有如此大的誘因,很難發展觀光,我希望新上任的市長可以解決郊區對外大眾交通的方便性,讓大家更了解美濃、旗山、茂林、寶來和衫林區等地。 Day 6 Shopping time and say goodbye to Kaohsiung For the last day for me, I will go shopping, there are lots of department store or shopping mall to choose. If I want to take a flight at noon or later, I will go Dream Mall or Taroko Mall(MRT R4), it’s great to spend some time inside the mall, eat, drink, or play sport game, and buy sale-off things, then take MRT to the Siaogang airport(R3). 第六天就是採買日了!我如果要趕飛機,我會去夢時代或大魯閣草衙道,在裡頭吃吃喝喝,完運動遊戲或買些打折商品,然後坐捷運到小港機場。 伴手禮推薦:橋美鹹Q餅 https://www.joymay.com.tw/CBPortal/homeweb/index.php 橋美店鋪在小六合(捷運文化中心站旁大統百貨和平店附近)沒有為什麼,至今高雄市並沒有對外一致性的伴手禮品項,但是說到推薦,我總是告訴外地人,買盒鹹Q餅就對了。 還有吳寶春的無嫌鳳梨酥,它讓我一個絕不吃鳳梨酥的人愛上了鳳梨酥,所以我只吃吳寶春鳳梨酥。 我相信還有很多景點你沒去到啦,高雄有38個區,每個區都各有特色,下次再來喔!Oh I am sure this is not enough for a traveler to stay just 6 day, there’s more for you to find out, so see you next time. 高雄旅遊網:https://khh.travel/ |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |