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2013/03/29 23:41:26瀏覽729|回應1|推薦5 | |
http://www.artc.org.tw/chinese/03_service/03_02detail.aspx?pid=1941 歐美電動車示範運行推廣現況 2011 車輛產業調查與分析 ecHo通訊 減少二氧化碳排放,電動車駛上時代的舞台! 2011年2月歐盟發布《2010-2020歐盟交通政策白皮書》,喊出2050年交通運輸行業溫室氣體排放要比1990年減少60%的目標。在《清潔能源與節能汽車歐洲戰略》中,可發現歐盟將從兩條路線來帶動汽車業的革命,其一是不斷提高傳統發動機的能源效率和清潔度;其二是開發超低排放的新能源汽車。具體措施是通過立法控制排放,鼓勵企業投資加強研發支持,通過補貼與優惠方案提高電動車的市場佔有率等。 英國、法國為了鼓勵民眾購買電動車,分別提供5000英鎊與5000歐元的購車補貼,英國大方地減免汽車消費稅與陳列室稅等稅收,希望在2015年國內電動車保有量可以達到24萬輛,法國則希望達成200萬輛的目標。德國採取與眾不同的策略來打造電動車帝國,針對市場機制並不提供補貼,主要傾注於鼓勵產業升級,2010~2013年規劃20億歐元的研發經費,期望透過技術突破來降低電動車的購買成本,達到2030年500萬輛電動車上路的目標。 將鏡頭移動到大西洋的另一側。美國為了拯救飽受金融風暴摧殘的汽車產業,並達成2015年百萬台電動車上路的目標,2009年以《復甦與再投資法案》為開端,頒布了一系列電動車發展計劃。能源部規劃20億美元扶植產業發展,其中15億美元用以扶持新一代電動車的電池組及其部件的研發,另5億美元用來發展電動車的馬達、傳動原件等關鍵動力系統;在刺激消費方面,聯邦政府提供個人購買電動車可獲得7500美金的稅收減免、裝設家用充電設備有高達1000美金的稅收減免等優惠。 美國政府出錢,家庭用充電設備免費 英國Plugged-in風潮襲捲街頭,電動車駕駛一卡在手暢遊倫敦 Source London是Plugged-in places的一環,市長計畫將倫敦打造成歐洲電動車首都,實現10萬輛電動車上路,2013年之前提供1300個充電站,屆時充電站數量將超過加油站,讓倫敦居民在1~2公里內就可滿足充電需求。只要支付約161美金的年費,即可在倫敦市內的充電站享受全年無限制充電服務。此外,市長也宣佈減免100%的電動車城市擁堵費,預計車主每年可節省約3200美金。 法國瞄準使用者需求,用Autolib逐步汰換燃油汽車 德國資通訊技術加值,充電付費可以很簡單 e-Mobility Berlin為戴姆勒汽車公司和能源供應商RWE 結論與建議 德國投入大量研發經費於電動車相關項目,並規劃八大特色區域示範運行,台灣與德國英雄所見略同,現階段也是推動10案電動車先導運行計畫,目標在於提升國內電動車產業技術及創造友善發展環境。另外為鼓勵國人使用電動車,未來也將考慮私人購車補助擴大國內市場。 法國順應國人用車習慣,在巴黎與其衛星社區提供便捷的電動車自助租賃服務,將傳統買車的概念轉變為「等需要使用,再付費租用」的新思維,讓民眾拋棄現有汽油車、甚至降低未來購車欲望,徹底減少市區二氧化碳排放量,連東方電動車大國日本的大阪府也積極仿效,Autolib或許將成為大眾交通運輸發達城市的新典範,值得台灣各縣市政府參考借鏡。 台灣醒報 實際入稿日期: 2012-07-17 【台灣醒報記者莊瑞萌綜合報導】油價高漲,有免費的計程車帶你到目的地?這麼好康的事,原來是日產汽車為了推廣電動車,結合了社群網站,推出免費搭乘LEAF電動車的活動,民眾只要依規定輸入特定文字與目的地,就可以獲得這項好康,不過,目前活動範圍僅限倫敦與阿姆斯特丹。
The first all-electric car to be built in the UK has rolled off the production line. The manufacturing of Nissan's Leaf, which until today had been built solely in Japan, was shifted to Sunderland after the Japanese firm chose its UK plant for a £420m investment. The car, which has had 100 upgrades to its design since it took to the roads two years ago, has shifted just over 50,000 models worldwide to date. Critics suggest that is because motorists are yet to be convinced by the all-electric concept, previously identifying poor ranges, bad handling because of heavy batteries and thin tyres with recharging rates too slow. Nissan has argued that its improvements address many concerns. The five-seater hatchback, which goes on sale this summer, can travel about 125 miles on a single charge - powered by lithium-ion batteries which are also being made in the North East. Nissan's Executive Vice President Andy Palmer said: "Today's announcement progresses Nissan's unwavering commitment to zero emissions motoring. "The Nissan Leaf is our most technically advanced car yet and the launch of this new model, built along with its batteries in Sunderland, is a huge boost not only for the plant but for British manufacturing. Prime Minister David Cameron attended the launch and was given a tour of the plant. He was also shown a Leaf that was cut in half, to see how it works inside, and got the chance to stick a Nissan badge onto the front of one of the cars fresh off the production line. He said: "I warmly welcome the production of the new electric LEAF model and battery plant at Sunderland. "This £420m investment, backed by Government, is supporting over 2,000 jobs in our automotive sector including more than 500 at Nissan in Sunderland, helping people in the area who want to work hard and get on. "The Government has committed £400m to make the UK a leading market for ultra low carbon vehicles. "Nissan's announcement shows the confidence the company has in the skills-base and the business environment in the UK and that the UK is open for business."
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