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The Sounds of Silence - 寂靜之聲
2022/07/08 21:12:31瀏覽275|回應0|推薦0

The Sounds of Silence - 寂靜之聲




【歌詞背後】The Sounds of Silence


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歌手: Simon and Garfunkel 


作曲: Paul Simon


填詞: Paul Simon


創作/發行: 1963 – 1965








  The Sounds of Silence(沉默之聲/寂靜之聲)乃六十年代作品,創作人Paul Simon 當年才二十出頭,剛大學畢業。跟Paul Simon合唱此曲的為Art Garfunkel,二人既是鄰居,也是同學,十二歲開始一起參加校內音樂比賽,十六、七歲二人四出表演,賺經驗、賺外快。



  1963年11月標示著美國自由民主精神的總統John F. Kennedy(約翰·甘迺迪)遇刺身亡及1968年4月美國黑人民權領袖Martin Luther King, Jr.(馬丁·路德·金)同遭遇刺、同樣身亡。另時值越戰,戰況慘烈,較美國預期糾纏、漫長,不斷升級。內憂外患,無有安寧。


  反戰反暴力反種族歧視之聲,不絕於耳,Paul Simon就在這樣的時代背景,寫下The Sounds of Silence。




Hello darkness, my old friend


Ive come to talk with you again


Because a vision softly creeping


Left its seeds while I was sleeping


And the vision that was planted in my brain


Still remains


Within the sound of silence




In restless dreams I walked alone


Narrow streets of cobblestone


Neath the halo of a street lamp


I turned my collar to the cold and damp


When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light


That split the night


And touched the sound of silence




And in the naked light I saw


Ten thousand people, maybe more


People talking without speaking


People hearing without listening


People writing songs that voices never share


And no one dared


Disturb the sound of silence






"Fools, " said I, "You do not know


Silence like a cancer grows


Hear my words that I might teach you


Take my arms that I might reach you"


But my words, like silent raindrops fell


And echoed in the wells, of silence




And the people bowed and prayed


To the neon god they made


And the sign flashed out its warning


In the words that it was forming




And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls


And tenement halls"


And whispered in the sounds of silence








  由始至終,Simon及 Garfunkel 認為The Sounds of Silence不過是一首關於人與人之間溝通、關於愛與關懷的歌曲(This is a song about the inability of people to communicate with each other)。




  歌曲以Hello darkness, my old friend / Ive come to talk with you again揭開序幕,就知道故事主人翁多麼孤單寂寞,才會把「漆黑」當作老朋友般傾吐心事。








  第三段算是歌曲點題:People talking without speaking / People hearing without listening / People writing songs that voices never share,不過短短幾句,用字也極其淺白,卻狠狠道破繁華現世,表面緊密實則疏離的人際關係。




  天天相聚夜夜共醉,說著的,語言無味,聽著的,心不在焉。心靈冰封、靈魂靜止,令沉默成了常態,誰也不會、也不敢打破這種常態And no one dared / Disturb the sound of silence




  當成千上萬的人選擇了沉默Ten thousand people, maybe more,沉默即會像癌細胞般蔓延生長Silence like a cancer grows ,零碎微弱的心聲最終被徹底吞沒。



  五十多年過去,歌,我們繼續聽、繼續唱,但Paul Simon所控訴的社會現象,依然故在,或更甚,人與人之間的關係,依舊空洞疏離。




  從此,我們活在自己築建的孤島上 …… 心甘情願地!




  題外話,歌曲名稱究竟是The Sound of Silence?還是The Sounds of Silence?不同版本的專輯其實都出現過,有說當 Paul Simon 單獨演繹的時候,就會剔走 “s” ,選用The Sound of Silence。




  英文文法加了”s” 就是眾數,人生路漫漫,誰願隻身走?





























Listen carefully, this is a piece of music that can purify the soul!



Listen carefully, this is a melody that can evoke memories deep in your heart!



This harmonica song must be listened in the dead of night. There are many ripples in the heart lake, and the more I listen to it, the more sad it is, and my heart is full of worries and regrets. 

The sound of silence, in fact, represents the helpless call of the soul... sad and lost ! ! !



It is good as follows


Life is long, who wants to walk alone?
















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