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The mood
2010/04/25 21:35:53瀏覽194|回應0|推薦4

I always enjoy the quiet。

When I finish my workˋenglish classˋend every thing,I always hope nobaby in my side,I want to enjoy this quiet,no any voice。

In this time…I feel I can grasp some thing in my heart,though it is only an outline…but I`m satisfied。

In the class today,teacher gives every team a letter…end…some sceap in this,they all are place。

Teacher want us guess this place each other,my partner is a girl,she is very interesting,and…I will guess the place which in her hand。

Is it a city : I ask

No…Itn`t : she says

And…is it a room??: I ask

Yes…and it usually dirty : she says

Hahaha~~~it is easy~~~I thing,because I already know the answer。

The answer is public toilet。

I don`t know…why I was remember??

Maybe is smile…



( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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