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2020/10/05 00:32:08瀏覽188|回應0|推薦3 | |
很多女人想要一個小孩...但不容易懷孕,或一對夫婦不容易有孩子,女人會受到指責,說「她不能生!」。舊的說法曾經是,『她的烤箱中看不中用。』(her oven is dead)。但,隨著科學的發達,我們知道,大部分的問題,或至少50:50,是男人的『排水管』堵塞。這個說法讓很多男人很難接受,我們被指責時就再去指責其他人,以及,我們被洗腦認為是女人無法懷孕。
我們不在一個女人的潛意識,我們不知道她們在想什麼。外表看不出焦慮,但持續地,每一步,每一步,如果我跌倒,裡面的寶寶會怎麼樣?如果我吃錯東西會怎麼樣? 它會生存下來嗎?我可以給他好的教育嗎?
所以我們看到的,有的,所經歷的是,那些負責照護媽媽的人(註: 家人或坐月子中心),或媽媽本身,學習如何支持自己。如何增加情感的力量,能夠支持產後靈魂層面的『情感消退』。外表不容易看出來的「產後憂鬱症」。
When a man and a women come together. When you conceive a child, or you try to conceive a child, a women goes through different process of emotion than the man does.
When a women expects to be a mother brings a different line of emotion and thoughts in her body, than a man does.
As my great grandmother used to tell me, "Having a child is not just shaking your trousers."
Having a child means, accepting responsibility in all dimensions.
Men, don't think that way, because we've never been brought up to understand.
We are fundamentally a part of the structure from the time of the thoughts,
not from the time of inception.
When a women goes through a cycle,
wanting to be pregnant, or getting pregnant by accident. All, changes the dimensions in the life of the women and the man.
When a women could not have a child, or a couple could not have a child, a women was blamed for it,
"She can not do!"
The old say, used to be,
"Her oven is dead."
But, with a new science, we understand,
most of the problem, in majority of the cases, or at least (50:50) stands in the, what I call the 'pipeline' of the man too,
Is blocked, doesn't exist and it's very hard for a lot of men to accept this. Because, we've been blamed to blame.
And, we've been taught it's the women who cannot conceive.
And, in majority of the times,
especially in Mr old is the man who does not have the right strength sperm, to be able to transfer his energy to an
egg, which is already there with a women.
This is in a way, in the women says,
I want a energy level that the life of Man on this planet can survive and Darling you don't have it.
Your, we call it in the medical term,
"Your count is done" or "is not strong enough".
So, what I was trying to say is that, the women in her birthright, the responsibility's given to her, at the point when she was born herself is to guarantee the survival of the best offspring, that the energy she puts in bringing a child, giving life, is not wasted.
So women do not lower their level of accepting a weaker sperm, or in a way, energy not good enough, that it can guarantee her level. She doesn't bring it down to a lower level that it guarantees life. Because she's, looks at the cycle of evolution that stronger offspring, will guarantee the survival of the race.
So, in that process, when you enter
the condition for a women,
who wants to get pregnant,
who wants to have a child,
not only works with a physical direction, but she works through the Emotional dimension too. And, that Emotional dimension changes a lot of things in characteristics of a women.
And, it's the responsibility of the society as a whole to understand the need of the nature, and the need of a Life and a Soul.
So, it is not only for men to understand
their problem, it's for men to understand, they need the elevation in their Soul in what they have touched
themselves or accidentally, or through the cycle of the evolution, that they can increase the energy of their Souls,
(✓)that increases the dimension energy
of the sperm which they produce,
(✓)that it allows, to be elevated
to the level of the egg.
And this is sacrosanct, it's very important to understand.
In the writings of Bahá'u'lláh, bless his name he says, "Pray for your children 20
years before they are born"." And we have children would be at twenty.
So, we see that as we say,
"Praying is adding to the strength
of the Soul of the Man itself.""
So, by doing that we strengthen the Soul of what we are preparing to create.
Don't forget when a child is conceived
carries the Soul of both the Man and the Woman and at the same time, carries the Soul of the society and ancestors.
This is what I would like to explain that you understand more.
(✓)For those women who go through
the cycle of birth,
(✓)For those women who go to cycle of bringing a new life,
The expectation and the dimension
of the emotional strength, can put and does put huge drain on the emotional level.
It happens in two ways,
in the present world of medicine
we call it #postnatal_depression'.
Doctors have not understood, world
of science have not understood
how this condition is created,
why this condition is created
and how come it happens, that it
happens to some women and does
not happen to the others.
what is important, is for men to understand the problem, which a women goe through the cycle of birth.
And, as I said in the teaching in the past,
"Us, men and women as all, together or as individuals, have never been taught anything in the school or in our teachings about the reality of life, about
how we as a total, as, as a group
As being who we are, have not learned,
we've never been taught,
we have never been put
to understand the reality of how everything works.
How we as people are responsible
for a lot of things which we have done,
like creating a life, we call it a 'child' and then we think,
"the child is born, the mother is there and it's her responsibility,"
"it's her job."
It is her point of giving birth, and then in so many ways, in giving birth we've done our jobs as men.
We've been there, we did what we had to do, and ... we leave it to our partners to bear the life.
So, us as men have to understand a lot about women, and women have to
understand a lot about us. And a change, a process happens at the time of birth, prior to the birth from the time of inception, till the point of the child is born, and then in the present time they
call it, as I said, 'postnatal depression'.
or they call it, 'change of hormones',
or whatever we put, words to it. Whatever we have been told to put words to it, whatever it fitted the Man
to be able to say,
"It has nothing to do with me" or "I don't want to understand.
In many cases women go through horrendous cycle and men never understood.
I would like to talk about today as part of the health teaching to open the eye of the men especially into what their partners go through, at the point of birth, during the process of the birth and then after what we call,
in many cases, #postnatal_depression'.
What this means is that, it is for us men, it's very easy, we as we say, "We've done our job."
But for a woman the job dose not finish,
for woman the job carries on. They have put their energy, and you have to understand
at the point of inception the child is a part of the Soul of the woman, connected to the Soul of the woman.
And this is important, that in that process the emotion of the child, the life of the child all has, all will interact with the life of both things together.
(✓)which means, when life is created, when a man goes true the process of birth, in that process we have to understand, that we as being, have to go to the next step.
(✓)Which means the mother goes through interaction between the life and the existence of her own, and in so many way, in understanding that the separation of the child, which was been inside the mother, in physical term by birth,it can not be accepted by the mother.
We have given this different names,
but in fact, what we have not understood is that, at the time of separatio of a child from the mother
(✓)the fear of giving life during the cycle of pregnancy,
(✓)the fear of letting go for what you have so preciously kept for nine months with you, and then not knowing, if what you have created will stand the course of life brings anxiety to the mother.
And this anxiety which is totally emotional dimension, will create mayhem in the Soul of the Woman.
What we call the transfer of the energy
from the Soul to the child.
(✓)When they give birth, they go true the fear of loss.
(✓)During the time of pregnancy they live through the fear of, "Would I be able to give life."
We are not in the sub conscience
of a woman, we do not see what they see, we do not see the anxiety but continuously, every step.
(✓)Every step, if I fall what happens to what id inside me, I have responsibility for?
(✓)if I eat the wrong food what's going
to happen to it? Is it happy? Am I doing? Will it survive? Can I give him education?
Because to a woman, a man is there, but a woman works on uncertainty of knowing certainly she is there for it to make the change if the other partner is not.
And these drain a lot from the Soul of the Woman.
And men don't see this. And then they say,
"she changed."
"She's different. She doesn't do this,
she doesn't do that."
"She's become very aggressive,
she's become this or that".
Because, we haven't understood what
I've just explained in the past few links.
That women, at this point of life, need
support in their Soul. They need support for transfer of the energy.
A postnatal depression is very much
what I explained before.
It's like a blood pressure.
It's like adiabetic.
It's psychosomatic, but it goes to the point of Emotion and then it manifests
itself in all sorts of things.
We call it 'depression', we call it
'aggression' or whatever we like to call it.
What do we do?
How do we handle these cases?
How do we support our partners?
Or as physicians, when we see a postnatal depression, what do we need to do?
There is a process which is developed by Keshe Foundation to go through the support of the whole structure.
You don't start supporting at the point of the birth.
You start supporting at the point of
what I call 'inception'. You support at the poin where you need to be, that it can bring the change into the whole life.
Which means,
How do we do this?
How do we support not only the Soul of the mother, but we support the Soul of the child?
We support the Emotion of the mother
that it does not end up with
what We've seen postnatal depression.
What we have suggested and what we have supported, is for many, many, mothers, they need the Emotional support, they need to be there, that they can feel and they can understand the Totality, they can be part of what it needs to be. And they cannot be separated from the child.
So what we've seen, what we have, what we go through is that those who are responsible fo the care of the mothers, or the mothers themselves
(✓)to learn how to support themselves.
(✓)to learn how to be able to increase
the Emotional strength
(✓)to be able to support the birth that
after the birth there is no, what I call,
"#emotional_depletion" of the strength
at the level of the Soul, that we don't see these kind of 'postnatal depression'.
What we have learned by experience over years, in the change of the environment, or what we call 'the processing' is that we enter the dimension in supporting the Emotion
and in supporting the Physicality.
What we have seen and what has
been new for us, in so many ways, is that we do not see everything as you want, but we will see a new dimension in life, where women can live a very
comfortable life, very easy and how anxiously we can be there to support them and how we can change it.
What we've seen is that by adding or
by consuming GANS of Zinc Oxide in a very moderate amount about 30-60 ml at night.
It helps quite a lot.
We've seen the whole process that in
allowing to, in a way, to bathe with
GANS of what we call 'Zinc Oxide' at 30-60% and CO2
we can allow both the calmness
of the Emotion, 'the Elevation of the Soul'.
What we have seen especially after the birth, in increasing the Zinc Oxide to about 80% with 20% CH3 and CO2
we be able to develop a system, a way,
that we Emotionally elevate the Emotion of the woman, yhat she does not fall in the trap of 'Emotional distress' that she can become and she can support herself.
Those of you who go through this process of giving birth, of being there,
will understand that this support is needed.
Postnatal depression causes havoc in the families, those who have been through it.
Some people go to the extremes,
Some people go into the mildest way
Somes go very, very mild, we don't see
it but it affects the life of the family.
Postnatal depression sometimes leads
(✓)the mother to kill the child. We've seen it, we hear about it. Because Emotionally they can't handle it.
(✓)Some mothers batter their children.
(✓)Some mothers become aggressive
towards a husband.
(✓)Some women withdraw from any kind of contact with the partner.
And then these leads to all sorts of
problems in the long run.
Getting involved with another woman.
Getting involved with other thing to get
satisfaction or the need for confirmation of existence by men, it brings all sorts of affairs and everything else.
All these can be stopped, if men and women understand the need for the Emotion, the Soul of the Man, in the time from the first inception as you know, till months and months after the birth.
A mother needs to be guided.
A mother needs to be supported.
As I said my grandmother used to say:
"Making a child is not shaking your trousers"
It's the responsibility of the Soul of both side to see it.
We were not educated, now that we know, we have to educate the future generation. Now that we know, we have to allow that the life of the future generation is not touched by the ignorance of the lack of the knowledge of understanding the need of the woman as she lives with all the fears.
(✓)We see this postnatal depression in
a very heavy way with the wome who have a girl as a child.
(✓)We see deeper depression with women who were expecting to have a daughter or a son, but they get the opposite sex, expectation to their own anticipation and a partner. They see themselves as a failure.
We are not in the head of the mother, but in a way, in supporting the Emotion,
we can elevate to understand the beauty of what's being created.
Very simple process can stop a lot of problem.
A very simple process, like using the
GANSes as a drinking or inhaling the Plasma liquid or liquid Plasma of the CH3, CO2, and Zinc Oxide, much more in Zinc Oxide level, will solve a lifetime of problem.
And this will give us a chance to change.
You will see in the trials, we have...
we explained before that,
women supported this way,
men supported this way,
all will end up, in being able to live a normal life.
It's not that you're going to become
depressed, is the way that if you have become, you can reverse it. If you are going to be, you can stop it.
So, as we taught about, as I said, diabetic, now we can understand about
one of the most important that I call 'home wrecking conditions' after giving birth, which is what we call
'postnatal depression'.
Very simple process does not even cost a cent, but it can change a lot of problems in the future, in the life of family.
In understanding to creating the condition will allow a lot of things to happen.
And it's us, who has to understand
and start to understand, the real problem, not by taking tablets for anti-depression, and God knows whatever has been put together that
the World of Science has not understood.
It's the anxiety of giving birth, is the
level of the Soul which is shared by the child and the mothe, which leads to these conditions, what we call 'depression', or whatever you like to call it.
It's the job of the physicians who handle
these things to understand it, to recognize it. And once you recognize it,
to understand a simple process can
change a lot of things.
A simple, what we call giving to the level that the mother is satisfied Emotionally,
can change a lot of things for the future
This is what we need to do.
This is what is the future for us as a Human race.
And in a way, what we need to accept as the Totality of what we need to do.
Any questions?
I try to be very precise with this thing. The biggest problem is when you come to this point, the men don't understand
because is nothing physical to see.
We see the feedback and the Emotions of it, is not a broken arm that it needs bandaging. And when there is no bandage on it, the men are blind to it.
Iff you got a headache, i cannot see it. Is you who take the aspirin and paracetamol, is not mine, nut this headache lingers on, in the level of the Soul and Emotion of the Man or 'Woman'.
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