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2008/10/04 21:55:49瀏覽300|回應0|推薦1 | |
Sinclair Ferguson’s 20 resolutions from the book of James for how to control our tongue. 傅格生立志对付舌头二十要点来自雅各书 1. I resolve to ask God for wisdom to speak out of a single-minded devotion to him. (1:5) 我立志求神给我智慧,说他要我说的话。 (1: 5) 2. I resolve to boast only in the exultation I receive in Jesus Christ and also in the humiliation I receive for Jesus Christ. (1:9-10) 我立志只在耶稣基督里誇口富足,并在耶稣基督里誇口卑微。 (1: 9-10) 3. I resolve to set a watch over my mouth. (1:13) 我立志注意我的口舌。 (1: 13) 4. I resolve to be constantly quick to hear and slow to speak. (1:19) 我立志快快的听,慢慢的说 。(1: 19) 5. I resolve to learn the gospel way of speaking to both rich and poor. (2:1-4) 我立志学习用福音恩典的方法和有钱人与贫穷人说话。 (2: 1-4) 6. I resolve to speak in the present consciousness of my final judgment. (2:12) 我立志说话时,要随时想到最后神的审判 。(2: 12) 7. I resolve never to stand on anyone’s face with the words I employ. (2:16) 我立志不在人的面前说空话而不兑现。 (2: 16) 8. I resolve never to claim as reality in my life what I do not truly experience. (3:14) 我立志不说我从未经历的经验,而宣称为事实。 (3:14) 9. I resolve to resist quarrelsome words as evidence of a bad heart that needs to be mortified. (4:1) 我立志抵制以争辨的言语为心术不正而需被纠正的证据。 10. I resolve never to speak decided evil against another out of a heart of antagonism. (4:11) 我立志不因为我有反对的心,而去说别人的坏话。 (4: 11) 11. I resolve never to boast in anything but what I will accomplish. (4:13) 我立志不誇任何的事,只求务实地去做事。(4:13) 12. I resolve to speak as one subject to the providences of God. (4:15) 我立志说话时想到的是,我必须是靠着神的供应。(4:15) 13. I resolve never to grumble. The judge is at the door. (5:9) 我立志从不埋怨,因审判的主站在门前了。(5:9) 14. I resolve never to allow anything but total integrity in everything I say. (5:12) 我立志我所说的话,是确确实实的。 (5:12) 15. I resolve to speak to God in prayer whenever I suffer. (5:13a) 我立志当我受苦的时候,要在祷告里向神说话。 (5:13a) 16. I resolve to sing praises to God whenever I’m cheerful. (5:13b) 我立志在我喜乐的时候,要向神歌唱。(5:13b) 17. I resolve to ask for the prayers of others when I’m in need. (5:14) 我立志当我有需要的时候,要请他人为我祷告。 (5:14) 18. I resolve to confess it whenever I have failed. (5:15) 我立志当我跌倒犯罪的时候,我要认罪。 (5:15) 19. I resolve to pray with others for one another whenever I am together with them. (5:15) 我立志当我与他人在一起的时候,要与他们一同祷告 。(5:15) 20. I resolve to speak words of restoration when I see another wander. (5:19) 我立志当我看到人迷失的时候,要说使他能回转的话。 (5:19)
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |