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小國塞爾維亞: 運動明星的搖籃
2021/06/09 18:05:06瀏覽431|回應0|推薦10

Because of anti-epidemic regulation, these days I stayed at home even longer than before, and watching NBA playoff became my favorable passtime.  Today in the middle of the game, the anchorman said Nikola Jovic , the Serbian center of Denver Nuggets. had been nominated as the MVP of the year.  (He is the lowest pick in NBA history ever to win the title of MVP.) 

Besides Jovic, in professional sports there have been many superstars from Serbia, for example, Djokovic and Ivannovic of tennis; Mihajlovic and Vidic in soccer, and so many, many others, not to mention those sports celebrities in former Yugoslav republics before 1999. 

Serbia is now a small and relatively poor country in Europe, with a population of seven million only.  But I think at least she has earned the respect from the world for her sports superstars.

PS FYI, Nikola Jovic is a seven footer, and he cannot run fast and jump high due to his "obesity".  Some picture shows that he has a paunchy stomach even now, Ha!  But he does fully use his brain and technics to dominate on the courts.  I really like watchimg him play.   


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