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老友, 當心別跌著了.
2018/07/09 22:36:49瀏覽805|回應2|推薦7

Early this morning around five, a terrible nightmare vehemently jerked me up in my dream, so vehemently that the motion of my body dropped me off onto the floor.  My head hit bedside cupboard and in no time I found my arms, my hands, and my palms were hurt too, they were painfully numb.  I knew I was in trouble.

Took fright, my wife brought me to Tri-service General Hospital, which is not far from my place, and rushed into the emergence room.  Since them I had spent exactly twelve hours there, taking necessary check-ups and lying down on gurney and taking intravenous injection of painkillers, including steroid.  What a hard day it was to me; the good news was I do not need to take surgical operation at neck bone in the spine for the time being, but the bad news was I have to take as long as at least three months to remove the pain from my hands.  The doctor advised me of wearing a fixer on my neck, and I accept it. 

Dear fellow septuagenarians, please note there must have had no perfect spine in our bodies any more, the question is whether its bones would press your nerves or not.  So take good care of yourselves! 

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2018/07/10 20:04
Get well soon! THX for the warning.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-07-10 22:53 回覆:

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2018/07/10 07:04
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-07-10 23:00 回覆:
謝謝. 走路是我主要的運動, 不過沒想到這次會在睡夢中從床上翻下來.