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2018/01/18 16:02:07瀏覽385|回應0|推薦2

I remember I've told you before that in the Pacific battlefield of WWII, US Marine raised a compelling slogan of battle cry: The best Jap is a dead one!

Why did Americans harbor such a hatred against Jap?  Because of the despicable and inhuman acts Jap did during wartime.  Please see how Americans treated Jap in/after the War at:


Nearly 73 years elapsed, American armed forces are still stationing in Japan, and that have made Japan an "unnormal country" until now and forseeable future.  Is American army on Japan for holding China and Russia at bay?  Not exactly.  I think part of the reasons is to keep Japan in the custody of America lest it should become a devil again.  Good job, Uncle Sam.  Let go Taiwan while keep a good watch on that mad Jap dog, and China won't give you any trouble on challeging your hegemony.  Isn't that a fair deal? 

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