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失踪中国留学生家人赴新西兰寻人 吁好心人伸援手--he was murdered and sex abused
2019/03/20 15:52:02瀏覽75|回應5|推薦0
失踪中国留学生家人赴新西兰寻人 吁好心人伸援手
2019年03月20日  来源:中国新闻网 【编辑:孟湘君】  
  中新网3月20日电 据新西兰天维网报道,当地时间3月10日,新西兰奥克兰大学的一名22岁中国留学生吴国权(英文名Laurence Wu)失踪。近日,其家人已抵达奥克兰,到当地警局配合调查,并与中国驻奥克兰领馆以及奥克兰大学学生中心取得联系。
  “警方正在向公众求助,希望找寻奥克兰大学22岁留学生吴国权(英文名Laurence Wu)的下落,警方表示担心他的安危。
  据悉,在当地时间3月10日下午1点40分,吴国权曾出现在位于Sainsbury Rd的St Lukes Liquor Centre。
  当地时间3月12日,警方在位于Piha Beach Marine Parade的停车场找到了吴国权驾驶的灰色现代Santa Fe,车牌号为GSE162。”
  家人各方求助寻人 吁好心人伸出援手
  吴国权哥哥Lucas联系方式:027 269 2491(新西兰);13678990579(中国)
  负责此案的警官Tania Kingi,电话:0211910895。
  华人警官Justin Zeng(可讲普通话、粤语),电话:0211910463。
--do not go to wine-related, gun, drug... places alone, those are hgh risk should say away especially if you are alone.
( )
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2019/04/07 21:40
中使馆持续跟进 莫桑比克警方已有中国人遇害案线索 2019年04月07日  来源:中国侨网 【编辑:孔庆玲】
  中国侨网4月7日电 据中国驻莫桑比克大使馆微信公众号消息,4月4日至5日,驻莫桑比克使馆张祥焱政务参赞相继约见莫国家刑事调查局局长、外交部亚大司副司长和马普托省刑事调查局局长,再次就中国公民在马普托省马托拉市遭持枪抢劫遇害案做工作。

2019/04/06 08:46

hope china students who will come or already came to usa(including immigrations)  should pay attention, myself would frequently collect those killers and unsolved victims news.

recently i save 殘殺華女 「開膛手」定居芝西郊 華人居民心發毛, the killer photo and earlier 芝50女子遭勒斃 連環殺手在逃 16 victims photos and the killer( from worldjournal).

this can remind you how danger in ILL, and what type the killer selected the victims, and now where they are if the media knew and post.

why the 開膛手 selected the Auroa where many asian people living. because asian people are very easy be target in usa.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-04-06 10:59 回覆:
our family doctor in the beginning wanted me to take depressing medicines i refused because i knew vey well that the problem is not came from me. any medicine would have side effects.
even those want to 美容 in the end deeply rely on 吗啡镇痛 toward to the death like usa jackson.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-04-06 10:33 回覆:
when my sister warned me that her friend's brother in the end divorced because his wife is 精神病人, however many years later the day before to meet with our beautiful cousin who also divorced many years, he died in china. his ex-wife accused china spy murder him, everyone knew she is crazy.
i tried to tell my sister it is her ex-spouse had can't tell serious problem caused it, if she in time to learn our 祖先预测 in stead of to visit 心理医生 she could avoid became 精神病患者.
心理医生 didn't help my spouse either except adviced him to control his temper by walking away when someting happens. he became runner and very lack of to learn how to deal things in his family and his marrige.
same as the family doctor adviced him to deadlock our garage door to stop the abuser came to our house but my spouse 阳奉阴违.
i really hope my spouse were chinese then can long time learn from our  祖先预测 in stead of short time with 心理医生, family doctor who can help him very little especailly if he has something can't tell.
only our 祖先's wisdom can help him lots.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-04-06 09:03 回覆:

2 days ago had a conversation with my spouse and i was quite confused when he told me "quite a few" which i thought it equal "very few, few" but it turns out "many".

because i used chinese way that quite = 十分/非常 and few =少...

haaa as i said most time i fell sleep when english teachers taught 文法.

I would suggest china schools let students select the courses(high school and after) they have interesting or just wast their time. myself if can have next life i would select 祖先预测 to know more 古华夏星宿 and 三易 紫微斗数... 

I am quite envy those good at 物理/天文学 化学 students because i hardly can remember those english names. but i bet if  taiwan schools apply our  古华夏星宿 then i should have 天文学 talents.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-04-06 09:20 回覆:

from our 祖先预测 i knew it proved why i got hit by car accident when was university student, why my lovely dog jumpped off from my motorcycle and made me got bruise when i fell down, why after married i got car accidents even in patients parking place and abuser abuse my body... after study 祖先预测 i became very careful and reduce accidents and less been abused. it also help me came out from miserable environment.

those suciders and on the mental crashed should encourage them to study  祖先预测 (but not blindly) to know their fate, similar as patients visiting 心理医生 and/or 宗教信仰 but better because 心理医生 宗教信仰 can't solve your problem but  祖先预测 can.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-04-06 09:28 回覆:
when i was little just can walk (brother who was one year younger than me still can't), i fell dwon to the river, and 3rd grade almost choked to the death by 蚊香 smoke when i slept....
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-04-06 10:03 回覆:

...心理医生 宗教信仰 can't solve your problem but  祖先预测 can...

--when i tried to convince my spouse to visit 心理医生, he turned down because he had once and that can impact/lose his job so we visited family doctor which related marriage, spent lots money didn't solve our problem because my spouse won't tell the truth but admit i saved his life so don't want divorce when the family doctor inquired him if i were what he said why not divorce. in the end i quit it because his contract job expired and insurace didn't cover the last 10? sessions(policy has the limit number you can allowed), and doctor office didn't tell us so paied in full.

As 宗教 i hardly can read 宗教基督教 and 佛教 bibles without sleep except 禅诗s.  祖先预测 is much more attractive and deeply involved our cultures, socirty...

每一张命盘必定是多种格局的融合,不同比重的组合排列,在受到四化的联系进而得到和现实社会一样复杂的数据,没有足够的冷静和足够的耐力,不可能消化一堆庞大的数据... i am still learning ...

2019/03/25 18:44

纽约布鲁克林一名华裔女子失踪 警方吁知情者提供线索 【编辑:何路曼】
2019年03月25日 16:21 来源:中国侨网
  中国侨网3月25日电 据美国《侨报》报道,家住纽约布鲁克林海军公园的一名36岁华裔女子近日失踪,纽约市警发布寻人信息,呼吁知情人士提供线索。
  据市警61分局消息,失踪的华裔女子是36岁的朱凯琪(音译),报住地址位于布鲁克林海军公园(Marine Park)的Brigham街交U大道附近。

--didn't look good. did she use to take exercise in 布鲁克林海军公园  so late?

2019/03/25 16:19
中国留学生在加被绑架 警方:停车场伏击 共4名嫌犯 2019年03月25日 09:41 来源:中国新闻网 【编辑:王祎】  
一名中国留学生在多伦多遭绑架  来源:中国新闻网
  中新网3月25日电 据加拿大媒体援引约克区警方消息,一名22岁的中国籍男子23日在加拿大多伦多万锦市被绑架后仍然下落不明。警方公布了四名嫌犯及其所用车辆画面,并呼吁公众提供线索。
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-04-07 21:38 回覆:
多伦多中国留学生被绑架案 自首的首名嫌犯短暂提堂 2019年04月07日 来源:中国侨网 【编辑:孔庆玲】  
    第一名嫌犯阿丹,周五(5日)首次提堂。(加拿大《星岛日报》 约克区警方)
  中国侨网4月7日电 据加拿大《星岛日报》报道,加拿大多伦多中国留学生被绑架案,日前自首的首名被告周五(5日)透过视像形式提堂,出席保释聆讯,法官未有裁决,定于下周一(4月8日)再提堂。
当地时间3月25日,加拿大警方披露,加拿大大多伦多地区万锦市(Markham)一名22岁中国留学生遭绑架的案件有新进展。中新社记者 余瑞冬 摄
  现年37岁的被告阿丹(Abdullahi Adan)以视像形式,在纽马克镇(Newmarket)的一间法院短暂提堂,参加保释聆讯。他出庭时身穿美式足球匹兹堡钢人队(Pittsburgh Steelers)的一件黑色运动衫。法官当庭未作保释决定,阿丹定于4月8日再次出庭。
  本案的第二名嫌犯、33岁的阿卜杜拉伊(Hashim Abdullahi)周二(2日)在宾顿市一住宅内被拘捕。他同样被控绑架、强行禁锢、使用武器攻击及袭击的罪名。
  警方4日发布了一项全国通缉令,追缉第三名嫌犯、28岁的多伦多男子阿道(Muzamil Addow)。
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-03-25 16:25 回覆:
加拿大一名中国留学生被绑架 警方称系有目标作案  2019年03月25日 10:28 来源:中国新闻网 【编辑:王诗尧】
视频:一名中国留学生在多伦多遭绑架 来源:中国新闻网
中新网3月25日电 据加拿大《明报》报道,当地时间23日晚,加拿大安大略省万锦市一名22岁中国留学生被人绑架。绑匪共4人,其中3人蒙面动手,该名留学生被绑上一辆黑色汽车带走。目前,警方仍在调查歹徒的作案动机,案件有可疑,因为歹徒是锁定目标作案。
警方公布的受害人Wanzhen LU的照片。 余瑞冬 摄
帕滕登指出,3名蒙面歹徒与受害人登上一辆,2008年至2010年款的黑色Dodge Caravan,车牌号码是CEAR 350,警方已确定该车牌是偷回来挂在该车上的。当时,汽车上已有一名接应司机,迅速开车离开现场。
--very likely the 4 bastards quite familiar with the "resident building".
when mom's death for 100 days, i went front of our building waited for the paper money burnt and then brought the small tank to the side of building then saw a motoycycle rider didn't drive down to the next building basement but turned around, i was neurvous and immediately walked back to the front then the same motocycle driver drove to the next buildding basement...quite strange.
i live in usa 20+ years that turned me very cautious, even i told my spouse taiwan is quite safe but still keep highly alert.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-03-25 16:37 回覆:

2008年至2010年款的黑色Dodge Caravan,车牌号码是CEAR 350,警方已确定该车牌是偷回来挂在该车上..
--from the 地下停车场获得了视频监控 should tell when did the balck car entered the basement parking, did they already wait for the victim or they followed(behind) the victim and how late entered?

ps frequently my spouse and me walked around that made us quite easy be "targtet"... my spouse still don't want to go outside after 5:00pm unless i insist to buy on sale breads for his breakfast, then he can't allow me go alone so walk with me together to carrofour.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-03-27 02:52 回覆:
中国留学生多伦多遭绑架案一名嫌犯落网 受害人仍未找到
2019年03月27日 00:50 来源:中国新闻网
视频:一名中国留学生在多伦多遭绑架 来源:中国新闻网
中新网多伦多3月26日电 (记者 余瑞冬)加拿大安大略省约克区警方当地时间3月26日披露,已逮捕一名在万锦市中国留学生被绑架案中涉案的男性嫌疑人。但受害人仍然下落不明。
当地时间3月25日,加拿大警方披露,加拿大大多伦多地区万锦市(Markham)一名22岁中国留学生遭绑架的案件有新进展。绑匪作案所用的汽车已被找到,但受害人仍下落不明。图为当地约克区警察局发言人帕滕顿(Andy Pattenden)25日接受中新社采访时向记者展示附有受害人Wanzhen LU照片的案情进展新闻稿。他并表示,此次案情罕见,警方正全力侦查。中新社记者 余瑞冬 摄
  警方26日清晨逮捕一名多伦多市的35岁男子。警方表示,相信此人与22岁中国留学生Wanzhen LU被绑架有关。但警方暂未公布被捕嫌犯的姓名,目前也暂未对他提出控罪。
  当地时间3月23日晚约6时,陆姓(音译,Wanzhen LU)中国男性留学生在大多伦多地区万锦市其所住的公寓地下车库被绑架。根据警方稍早前披露的信息,有四名嫌犯参与现场作案。
--if 落网嫌犯 still not cooperates with detetective then the victim life is highly dangerous and been abused to the death. what is the motive? didn't look like to rob the victim money or blackmail his family and also didn't hurt his girlfriend(can reporter confirm she is chinese?). 
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-03-27 12:21 回覆:
加警方:被绑架中国留学生被找到 四名嫌犯均在逃
2019年03月27日 11:36 来源:中国新闻网【编辑:孔庆玲】 ...被逮捕的一名35岁嫌疑人已被无条件释放...
--that means 被逮捕的 obviously is not one of 在逃四名嫌犯 but may involve the kidnape chinese that's why set free and without leaking the man details until the 在逃四名嫌犯 be caught and identifiy just avoid 在逃四名嫌犯 random say say to run away their crimes.

2019/03/22 11:32

--did he wear 黑边眼镜(like the victim photo) or 黑镜(玻璃)眼镜? hope the victim brother can confirm it. it may help the case...