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意國超市用普通話問價 中國大媽被店員機槍式辱罵-- 星岛比世界新闻记者更公正报道
2019/02/01 12:34:45瀏覽35|回應4|推薦0



--故意歧視中國人 not just the low class and foolish foreign countries but the one in 世界新闻 should be fired too(frequently the malicious reporter(s) from taiwan always tried hard to black chinese by all means, quite disgusting).

I watched the videos in 星岛 which 更公正 shows the pity woman didnt  瘋狂講中文 but trying to buy water 飲料 and the male 義大利店員 came by inquired then humiliate her when he knew the pity visitor cant speak 義大利 language.

the 義大利店員 was fired however the one 故意歧視中國人 hiding in 世界新闻 got usa master umbrella protection wont be fired.

PS i cant post the news from Worldjournal in case got sued as ...不同意上述規範者,請勿張貼文章 or ...轉載必究 隱私權聲明

Fortunately chinese in china is much smarter, one of them saying "did you see any foreigner who cant speak chinese visitors/foreign residence would suffer the 故意歧視?

didnt we see some the white living in taiwan also speak english or else without any 故意歧視?

who is more 丑陋的大媽 except those  故意歧視 dirty minds and stupid "政治正确 so called" coward clown.

Keep in mind as reporter you should have abroad minds and 公正报道 is your duty not  "政治正确" fill with malicous words. People are not stupid.

as i mentioned frequently in 2000 the drunkard pretended usa reporter pulled German, French reporters away to forbid them reporting that so many taiwan people forced dirty LDW step down. what the usa reporter did not only damage usa itself image but dragged down German and French.

And they never can stop me mention it forever to remind people what they done.

( 時事評論政治 )
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2019/02/01 15:24

certainly, it is possible that  丑陋的大媽, 瘋狂講中文... came from the  義大利店員 stink mouth black the pity woman because we all don't know the details about what exactly low class  義大利店員 saying.
if it were came from the 故意歧視  義大利店員 then i would formal appolgy to the reporter. but please be bravery clarify what i saw/read from the video.

ps very strange i always can read smart chinese in china's opinions not those self humiliated type opinons. our ancestors told us the same feather together so advice those reporters try hard to dig out smart chinese opinions.

2019/02/01 14:16

people from china also should realize you and other foreigners visit china stores can get patient 店員s help you, but not vice verse.

in usa i got the conclusion all stores, sales ...want in few seconads get your money. so looking the price either you buy or left, ignore those active 店員, they are not help you at all, they want to make money quickly.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-02-01 14:21 回覆:
my spouse never wants to ask 店員, local people... help. many years later i became him whenever the active 店員 came by asking anything he can help, most time we both turn down unless really can't find the item we wanted to buy.

2019/02/01 13:24

when i married my spouse kept forbidden me to visit south of chicago or very neurvous deadlock car and close windows whenever passing thru certain chicago streets.

i was very unconfortable and anger,i can't realize how dangerous chicago is, because i came from taiwan and even visiting in china i don't feel life threaton at all because chinese places are quite safe and peaceful.

the worst is hardly see gun shots news in chicago trubune even my spouse told every day people killed in chicago i didn't believe him. Until i found out he is right because once in a year chicago tribune did mention yearly how many people been murdered in chicago.

in taiwan(except those taiwan independent bastards), especailly in china you don't see those disgusting manners but warm and friendly to help foreigners. so many from china visitors didn't relaize the white countries have many  故意歧視 hatred minds people existing.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-02-01 13:40 回覆:

usa adresses system also very horrible, i always wanted to inquire local people where the visiting buildingss/house... are. my spouse also upset at me, he told me it only misguided us by local people(like our 三重). I was really not used to and still inquired but my spouse is right most americans either they didn't know they don't know or on purpose cheating and fool others as fun. 

many years later i told my spouse we chinese are the most honest if we don't know the answer we would admit it not telling liars.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-02-01 13:51 回覆:

forbidden me to visit south of chicago or very neurvous deadlock car and close windows whenever passing thru certain chicago streets

--i enjoyed to watch those paintings on the walls, bridges, even on tarins ..and almost those places are quite dangerous. so when my spouse closed windows even in quite hot weather and drived fast that made me can't watch paintings clearly. many quite antiques houses in chicago also not safe because it is black area, and i like the different antique houses. i had a 错觉 that the poor living in "rich" houses.

2019/02/01 12:44

by the way living in taiwan has to speak 福建语? when i went 三重 i was suffered because can't speak 福建语 well. no wonder the reporter from taiwan has so narrow minds.

i'm prety curious whether  三重 changed now, whether they still dispised those can't speak 福建语 well but kiss those speak english ass.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2019-02-01 13:07 回覆:

when i went 三重 i was suffered because can't speak 福建语 well

--in 1994? i went to a company in 三重 but the street names was a mess can't find so inquired local people but was fooled by them and took 2 hours which only took 10 mins from where i was. After that i never visited 三重 and still have no interesting today but 高雄. wish 高雄 got more and more visitors and richer.