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2020/12/06 01:07:45瀏覽97|回應0|推薦0
根據韋澤辦公室與教會達成的協議,2019年10月發佈的一份初步報告中沒有提到已故的伍迪神父查理斯·b·伍德里奇(Charles B. Woodrich)和其他八人的身份。這份報告是基於對丹佛、科羅拉多斯普林斯和普韋布洛教區教堂記錄的審查。
新發現的牧師中有6人已經死亡,而其他的則在此之前被革職或退休。在伍迪神父于1991年去世幾年後,教會為無家可歸者設立了一個日間庇護所,以紀念他。但董事會主席唐·加萊戈斯(Don Gallegos)在一份聲明中說,今年早些時候,在希望之港的領導人得知針對他的指控後,他的名字被從希望之港的名字中刪除了。
前美國聯邦檢察官鮑勃·特羅耶(Bob Troyer)進行的兩項調查都沒有調查來自宗教修道會的牧師或來自其他教區的探訪者的性侵指控。
2018年,賓夕法尼亞州的一個大陪審團指控,在過去的70年裡,300多名神父至少性侵了1000名兒童,這引發了對其他州性侵範圍的質疑。與賓夕法尼亞州不同的是,科羅拉多州沒有權力向司法部長召集大陪審團,因此維瑟和教會同意對其記錄進行自願審查。教會還建立並資助了一個和解與賠款項目,為被神父性侵的人提供補償。它由肯尼斯·范伯格(Kenneth Feinberg)和卡米爾·貝羅斯(Camille Biros)管理,他們負責監管2012年奧羅拉劇院槍擊案和9·11襲擊事件的受害者賠償,還為紐約、新澤西、賓夕法尼亞和加利福尼亞的神職人員性侵的受害者實施了類似的專案。

9 new Catholic priests named in Colorado sex abuse report
Tue, Dec 1, 2020 0 Comments

Nine more Catholic priests, including one well known for helping Denver’s homeless, were found to have sexually abused children in an updated report on sex abuse in Colorado’s Catholic churches released Tuesday by state Attorney General Phil Weiser.
The late Rev. Charles B. Woodrich, known as Father Woody, and the other eight were not previously identified in an initial report released in October 2019 based on a review of church records in the Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo dioceses under an agreement between Weiser’s office and the church.
Six of the newly named priests are dead while the others were previously removed from the priesthood or retired. A day shelter for the homeless had been named in honor of Father Woody several years after his death in 1991. But his name was removed from the Haven of Hope’s name earlier this year after its leaders learned of the allegations against him, board President Don Gallegos said in a statement.
The latest report looked at abuse reported to Weiser’s office or a reparations program funded by the church since the release of the first report. It found evidence to back up claims of the abuse of 46 more children by a total of 25 priests, 16 of whom were named in last year’s report as having substantiated claims of sex abuse made against them. In all, 212 children were found to have been abused by 52 diocesan priests between 1950 and 1999, but mostly in the 1960s.
Both reviews, conducted by former U.S. Attorney Bob Troyer, did not look at alleged abuse by priests from religious orders or those visiting from other dioceses.
The review was launched after a Pennsylvania grand jury alleged in 2018 that more than 300 priests had abused at least 1,000 children over seven decades there, raising questions about the scope of abuse in other states. Unlike Pennsylvania, Colorado does not give the power to convene a grand jury to its attorney general, so Weiser and the church agreed to a voluntary review of its records. The church also established and funded a reconciliation and reparations program to provide payments to people who had been abused by priests. It was administered by Kenneth Feinberg and Camille Biros, who oversaw victims’ compensation for the 2012 Aurora theater shooting and the Sept. 11 attacks and also ran similar programs for those abused by clergy in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and California.
The program has authorized the payment of $7.3 million to 79 people, according to its final report on Tuesday.
In a joint statement, Denver Archbishop Samuel Aquila, Denver Bishop Jorge Rodriguez, Colorado Springs Bishop Michael Sheridan and Pueblo Bishop Stephen Berg said they hoped Troyer’s review and the reparations process have provided justice and healing for survivors.
“We remain heart-broken by the pain they have endured, we again offer our deepest apologies for the past failures of the Church, and we promise that we will always pray for continued healing for them and their families,” they said.
The church agreed to make changes recommended by Troyer, including providing victim-assistance coordinators and encouraging people to report abuse directly to law enforcement. The church’s reputation would be jeopardized if it did not follow through on their commitments, Weiser said.
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