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女兒遭神父性侵 父親堅持正義死後享州葬
2017/07/19 08:24:37瀏覽162|回應0|推薦0

女兒遭神父性侵 父親堅持正義死後享州葬

Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 6.30.05 pm
墨爾本父親福斯特(Anthony Foster)的州葬典禮現場。(9 News 視頻截圖)
更新: 2017-06-07 4:52 PM    標籤: , , ,

【大紀元2017年06月07日訊】(大紀元記者傑妮澳洲墨爾本編譯報導)墨爾本父親福斯特(Anthony Foster)5月26日晚去世,維州政府6月7日為他舉行了州葬典禮。福斯特生前曾與其妻子為遭受天主教神父性侵的兒童受害者奔走了20年。

據《時代報》報導,福斯特為迫使天主教會做「正確的事情」而不懈努力。州長安德魯斯(Daniel Andrews)說:「他安靜卻深刻地改變了澳洲的歷史。」「福斯特與被否認和掩蓋的邪惡行為進行鬥爭,他和他的太太Chrissie失去了很多東西,但從未喪失他們的尊嚴、風度和力量。他不會被遺忘,正義之戰還在繼續。」

Getty Images)Anthony Foster和太太(Getty Images)

福斯特的兩個女兒艾瑪(Emma)和凱蒂(Katie),在墨爾本 Oakleigh教區的小學上學時,被臭名昭著的戀童癖神父奧唐納(Kevin O'Donnell)多次強姦。

福斯特因公開指控澳洲樞機主教佩爾(George Pell)在擔任墨爾本大主教時,阻撓他的家庭對天主教會的賠償要求,引起了公眾的注意。福斯特曾對調查人員說,佩爾與他們見面時,表現出一種「變態式的缺乏同情的冷漠」。



Anthony Foster: campaigner for child sexual abuse victims dies Anthony Foster, shown with pictures of his daughters Emma and Katie, both abuse victims, in March 2016 after a meeting with Cardinal George Pell in Rome.

Tributes paid to justice advocate whose two daughters were abused by a priest in the 1980s and 90s

Anthony Foster, shown with pictures of his daughters Emma and Katie, both abuse victims, in March 2016 after a meeting with Cardinal George Pell in Rome. Photograph: Riccardo De Luca/AP

The chair of Australia’s child sex abuse royal commission has said he is “deeply saddened” by the death of tireless victims advocate Anthony Foster.

Foster, who became a relentless advocate after his daughters were raped by a priest, was reported to have died on Friday evening from a major stroke.

Foster and his wife, Chrissie, shared their torment to the media and the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Justice Peter McClellan extended his condolences to the Foster family and praised their dedication to achieving justice for survivors of child sexual abuse.

“They attended hundreds of days of public hearings and participated in many of our policy roundtables,” McClellan said.

“With a dignity and grace, Anthony and Chrissie generously supported countless survivors and their families whilst also managing their own grief.

“Commissioners and staff at the royal commission are deeply shocked and saddened by this news.”

Foster’s daughters, Emma and Katie, suffered sexual abuse at the hands of pedophile priest Kevin O’Donnell at their Melbourne school between 1988 and 1993.

Emma took an overdose of her medication and died in 2008, while Katie was hit by a car and is now brain damaged and in a wheelchair.

Tributes poured in for Foster on Saturday, with many describing the father as a voice for survivors who struggled to discuss their personal experiences.

“Anthony was the person that stood up and he spoke in quiet but powerful words, and in many ways you know, he roared like a lion on this issue,” friend Paul Kennedy said.

Kennedy co-authored a book, Hell on the Way to Heaven, with Foster in 2010.

“It is just so sad for everyone that Anthony Foster has died,” he said.

Fellow victims’ advocate Manny Waks said he was devastated to hear of the death of his friend and colleague.

“Anthony, together with his dear wife Chrissie, has been one of my inspirations,” he wrote on Facebook.

“Despite all they endured, they maintained determination and dignity in their ongoing campaign for justice and reform within the Catholic Church – for them and for others.”

Waks voiced his anger with the Catholic church for the “ongoing pain and suffering they caused the Fosters”.

“At the very least they should belatedly publicly acknowledge the incredible work by such an amazing family,” he said.

“They should belatedly publicly apologise to Anthony and Chrissie Foster.

“Many of us are mourning with you. We will continue to support you in whatever way we can.”

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