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希臘歌壇天王[薩奇斯魯瓦斯]──電子流行舞曲──[Eei Dyo Mas/I Dio Mas/我們倆]
2020/06/18 12:46:57瀏覽336|回應0|推薦10

希臘歌壇天王[薩奇斯.魯瓦斯]──電子流行舞曲──[Eei Dyo MasI Dio Mas/我們倆]


Se niótho san na eísai edó

kai thélo tósa na sou pó

na sou pó

na sou pó

meíne edó


Se vlépo ki eísai makriá

kai thélo na értheis pio kodá

pio kodá

pio kodá

mia forá


Saggízo ki óla einai fós

den mas horáei o ouranós

óla fós

óla fós

óla fós


Sakoúo na hamogelás

san psíthiros na mou milás

na milás

na milás

na gelás


Ki an i méra sou éhei móno vrohí

tha eímai ekeí

tha eímai ekeí páda mazí

Na se paírno mia zestí agkaliá

me dió filiá



Ki an i méra mou éhei gkrízo kairó

na eísai edó

na eísai edó

hádi zestó

Na me páreis kai na pámei ópou vgeí

oi dio mazí

se mia stigmí


Se niótho san na eísai edó

san na min pérase leptó

eísai edó

eísai edó



Kai psáhno páli na se vró

ma den me noiázei an hathó

an hathó

an hathó

tha se vró


Se niótho san na eísai edó

kai thélo tóso na sou pó

na sou pó

na sou pó

meíne edó


Se vlépo ki eísai makriá

kai thélo na értheis pio kodá

pio kodá

pio kodá

mia forá






I feel like you are here and

i want to tell you so much

to tell you

to tell you

stay here


I see you and you are far away

and i want you to come closer





I touch you and everything is light

the sky is not enough for us

everything is light

everything is light

everything is light


I hear you laughing

talking to me like a whisper

Talking to me

Talking to me



And if your day has only rain

I ll be there

I ll be there ,always together

to hug you warmly

with two kisses



And if your day has only rain

I ll be there

I ll be there ,always together

to hug you warmly

with two kisses



and if your day is grey

be here

be here

warm touch

take me and lets go wherever

the two of us

in one moment


I feel like you are here

like a minute didnt pass

you are here

you are here

i love you


And im looking for you again

but you dont care if i get lost

if i get lost

if i get lost

i will find you


I feel like you are here and

i want to tell you so much

to tell you

to tell you

stay here


I see you and you are far away

and i want you to come closer






2010年12月 38歲的希臘歌壇天王薩奇斯.魯瓦斯(Σάκης ΡουβάςSakis Rouvas)推出第13張錄音室專輯/事業第15張大碟[Παράφορα/Parafora/瘋狂地](Minos EMI出版)

邀請多組製作人Playmen , Beetkraft, Leonidas "Freakchild" Chantzaras, Thodoros Darmas, , Dimitris Kontopoulos, Alex Leon, , Sakis Rouvas (exec.), Soumka共襄盛舉

薩奇斯則擔任執行製作, Nektarios Kokkinos 共同執行製作

出版後迅速希臘排行榜冠軍 成為2白金唱片(2.4萬張)



2011年2月, 39歲的薩奇斯推出第四首單曲[Eei Dyo MasI Dio Mas/我們倆]

此曲由Dimitris Kontopoulos, Nikos Kostidakis (Moraitis)譜寫

Dimitris Kontopoulos製作電子流行舞曲, 節奏輕快, 魯瓦斯的嗓音富有渲染力

I Dio Mas]登上希臘本土電台播放榜冠軍六週

另拿到2011年IFPIMedia Inspector)年終單曲冠軍


MAD錄影帶音樂獎(MAD Video Music Awards)提名年度男藝人

I Dio Mas]的熱門再度證明薩奇斯在希臘歌壇的高人氣









Trance remix



Σπάσε το Χρόνο../..Οι δυό μας [MAD VMA LIVE 2011]




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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