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《Nothing to Believe》
2010/05/31 19:13:26瀏覽516|回應1|推薦2
《Nothing to Believe》
詞:羽蕭 Zephon W.

I remember a time
When I first came to be
There's so many things
Beautiful and rich

And I remember when
They were taken from me
Like your lovely lips
Cracked upon my touch

In that moment
The world has lost its shine
All colours fade to black
In the arms of none
Innocence submerged
Into the dark waters

What's left is me
A coprse under the skin
If love is but a dream
What is reality good to me

Nothing to believe

There's nothing left for me
Nothing left to see
Nothing left to live
Nothing left to believe
In this world

There's nothing left for me
Nothing left to see
Nothing left to live
Nothing left to believe
In this world

Of shattered dreams

( 創作詩詞 )
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2010/06/01 14:18

We are the clouds that veil the midnight moon;

    How restlessly they speed, and gleam, and quiver,

Streaking the darkness radiantly! -yet soon

    Night closes round, and they are lost forever.   .................

                                      --- from Percy Bysshe Shelley 【Mutability】

羽蕭(Zephon W.)(zephonwing) 於 2010-06-01 16:42 回覆:
Shelley 的詩嗎~
謝謝勒芙 ^^