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2009/08/05 07:08:42瀏覽1221|回應11|推薦35

網絡上流傳著一則令人哭笑不得的A Barber's Community Service in US。美國理髮師的社區服務】笑話故事。內容如下:


There is this barber in the US. One day a Caucasian florist goes to him for a haircut. After the cut, he goes to pay the barber. The barber replies: "No charge today. I am doing community service.

在美國有位理髮師。有一天一個白人的賣花人去找他理髮。理完髮,他去付理髮費。理髮師回覆: " 今天不收費。我在做社區服務."


The florist is happy and left. The next morning the barber finds a "Thank you" card and a dozen roses waiting at his shop door. 

賣花人愉快的離開了。第二天早晨理髮師發現一張 "感謝你" 的賀卡和十二朵玫瑰花放在他的商店的門前。 


An African American cop goes for a haircut and got the same "community service treatment." The cop is happy and left.

一個黑人美國警員去理髮去並且得到了同樣 "社區服務." 之後警員愉快的離開了。 


The next morning the barber finds a "Thank you" card and a dozen donuts waiting at his shop door.

第二天早晨理髮師發現一張 "感謝你" 的賀卡和一打炸甜圈餅放在他的商店門前。


A Chinese Software Engineer goes for a haircut and he also got the "community service treatment".

一位中國人軟體工程師去理髮,並且他也得到了同樣 "社區服務" 對待。


The next morning when the barber goes to open his shop, guess what he finds there第二天早晨,當理髮師去打開他的商店時,誰猜得到他發現了什麼? 




A dozen of Chinese is waiting for a free Haircut.




( 心情隨筆其他 )
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Apple *
2009/08/05 07:50

Sad, but true to some extent.


逍遙散客(yugene8) 於 2009-08-05 14:40 回覆:
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