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約七 18『那從自己說的,是尋求自己的榮耀;惟有那尋求差祂來者之榮耀的,這人纔是真的,在祂裏面沒有不義。』

太二五 31『但是,當人子在祂的榮耀裏,所有的天使同着祂來的時候,祂要坐在祂榮耀的寶座上。』

〔主〕的榮耀包含祂神性的榮耀、(約十七 22,24、)人性的榮耀、(詩四五 3、)復活的榮耀(約七 39,徒三 13 ~ 15)以及升天的榮耀。(來二 9。)(聖經恢復本,太二五 31 註 3。)




節就比較易懂。…但這節不是說『尚未復活』,而是說『尚未得着榮耀』。然而,『得着榮耀』實際上是指『復活』,因爲主是在復活時得着榮耀。在路加二十四章二十六節,主論到自己說,『基督受這些害,又進入祂的榮耀,豈不是應當的麼?』這是指祂的復活,(46,)這把祂帶進榮耀。(林前十五 43 上,徒三 13 上,15 上。)基督進入祂的榮耀,進入祂的得榮,就是進入祂的復活。這就是說,祂是在祂的復活裏得着榮耀。祂的復活就是祂的得榮。


耶穌受了死的苦,完成救贖之後,就在復活裏得着榮耀,(路二四 26,)並在升天裏在諸天之上得着榮耀尊貴爲冠冕。(來二 9。)雖然主耶穌是神子也是人子,但在說到祂得了榮耀尊貴爲冠冕時,我們要特別注意祂的人性,注意祂是人子。希伯來一章說祂是神,二章說祂是人。我們讀一章時,應當特別注意祂的神性;讀二章時,就要特別注意祂的人性。祂乃是在祂的人性裏得着榮耀尊貴爲冠冕。祂乃是以升到諸天之上人的身分,得了冠冕。

這位生於馬槽,長於拿撒勒貧寒之家,沒有佳形美容的微小耶穌,卻在升到諸天之上時,得了榮耀尊貴爲冠冕。…榮耀是指與耶穌人位有關的榮美;尊貴是指與耶穌價值、寶貴(彼前二章七節的寶貴與這裏的尊貴,原文同字)及尊榮有關的珍貴,這尊榮與祂的地位有關。(彼後一 17,羅十三 7。)(希伯來書生命讀經,一○一頁。)


WEEK 10 — DAY 3

Morning Nourishment

John 7:18 He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of Him who sent Him, this One is true, and unrighteousness is not in Him.

Matt. 25:31 But when the Son of Man comes in His glory and all the angels with Him, at that time He will sit on the throne of His glory.

The Lord’s glory comprises the glory of His divinity (John 17:22, 24), the glory of His humanity (Psa. 45:3), the glory of His resurrection (John 7:39; Acts 3:13-15), and the glory of His ascension (Heb. 2:9). (Matt. 25:31, footnote 4)

As One who lived a restricted life, a life restricted from doing things for self, the Lord sought the glory of God for God’s satisfaction…[In John 7:16- 18] we see that the Lord did not seek His own glory, in that He did not speak from Himself. Rather, He sought the glory of the One who sent Him.

The Lord’s being a person who sought God’s glory for God’s satisfaction did not depend on what He did or on His works; it depended instead on the fact that He was of God, that He was sent by God, that He came from God, and that He spoke God…John 7 reveals that He was a person restricted by God, that He was of God, that He was sent by God and came from God, and that He did not speak His own word but spoke God. When the Lord spoke God’s word, God was expressed through His speaking. (CWWL, 1982, vol. 2, “The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John,” p. 230)

Today’s Reading

Christ was glorified by the Father with the divine glory in His resurrection. John 7:39b says, “The Spirit was not yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.” Many readers of the Bible might find this verse easier to understand if resurrected were used instead of glorified…But the verse does not say, “Had not yet been resurrected”; it says, “Had not yet been glorified.” However, glorified actually stands for resurrected, for the Lord was glorified when He was resurrected. In Luke 24:26 the Lord said of Himself, “Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and
enter into His glory?” This refers to His resurrection (v. 46), which brought Him into glory (1 Cor. 15:43a; Acts 3:13a, 15a). For Christ to enter into His glory, into His glorification, was for Him to enter into His resurrection. This means that He was glorified in His resurrection. His resurrection was His glorification.

According to the New Testament thought, resurrection is a release in life, and this release in life is a matter of glorification…Glorification is therefore a synonym of resurrection. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 2954- 2955)

After He accomplished redemption by suffering death, Jesus was glorified in His resurrection (Luke 24:26) and in His ascension to the heavens was crowned with glory and honor (Heb. 2:9). Although the Lord Jesus is both the Son of God and Son of Man, when we come to the matter of His being crowned with glory and honor, we must pay special attention to His humanity, to His being the Son of Man. In Hebrews 1 He is God; in Hebrews 2 He is man. When we are reading Hebrews 1, we must pay our full attention to the Lord’s divinity. However, when we come to Hebrews 2, we must pay our full attention to His humanity. It is in His humanity that He is crowned with glory and honor. As a man in His ascension to the heavens, He was crowned in this way.

The little Jesus who was born in the manger, who was raised in a poor home in Nazareth, and who had no beauty or comeliness, in His ascension to the heavens has been crowned with glory and honor…Glory is the splendor related to Jesus’ person; honor is the preciousness related to Jesus’ worth, value, and dignity, which is related to His position (2 Pet. 1:17; Rom. 13:7). In 1 Peter 2:7 the Greek word for preciousness is the same as that for honor here. (Life-study of Hebrews, 2nd ed., p. 84)

Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 288

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