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第三週 · 週六



太二八20 凡我所吩咐你們的,無論是甚麼,都教訓他們遵守;看哪,我天天與你們同在,直到這世代的終結。

   23 看哪,必有童女懷孕生子,人要稱祂的名為以馬內利(以馬內利翻出來,就是神與我們同在)。










WEEK 3 — DAY 6

Morning Nourishment

Matt. 28:20 Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you all the days until the consummation of the age.

          1:23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel” (which is translated, God with us).

The disciples were commanded things like baptizing people into the name of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit…Teaching the believers to observe all that the Lord has commanded is for the discipling of all the nations (Matt. 28:19-20).

The heavenly King is Emmanuel, God with us (1:23). In 28:20 He promised that in His resurrection He will be with us all the days, with all authority, until the consummation of the age, that is, until the end of this age. Hence, wherever we are gathered into His name, He is in our midst (18:20).

Among the four Gospels the Lord’s ascension is recorded only in Mark (16:19) and Luke (24:51). John testifies that the Lord, as the Son of God, even God Himself, is life to His believers. As such, He can never and would never leave them. Matthew proves that He, as Emmanuel, is the heavenly King who is with His people continuously until He comes back. Hence, in both John and Matthew, the Lord’s ascension is not mentioned. (Life-study of Matthew, 2nd ed., p. 790)

Today’s Reading

As the King in the kingdom with the kingdom people, the Lord is with us all the days until the consummation of the age. Today is included in all the days. The Lord is with us today, and He will be with us tomorrow. Not one day will be an exception. He will be with us until the consummation of the age. This refers to the end of this age, which will be the time of the Lord’s parousia, the Lord’s coming. The consummation of the age, the end of the age, will be the great tribulation. We do not want to be here during that time. Rather, we prefer to be raptured into the Lord’s parousia, into His presence. This is a matter of the kingdom.

In the Lord’s resurrection with His righteousness, the kingdom is present, and we have the authority, commission, and position to disciple the nations. In this way the kingdom is spreading. (Life-study of Matthew, 2nd ed., pp. 790-791)

Ministry requires the experience of lessons of life. We can use gifts to collect, prepare, and produce building materials, but we must have ministry in order to build people into the church…In the book of Acts the church began through gifts, but at the time of 1 and 2 Timothy, the administration and building of the church required the learning of lessons. Hence, Paul charged Timothy, saying, “If I delay, I write that you may know how one ought to conduct himself in the house of God” (1 Tim. 3:15)…The administration of the church is not a matter of outward gifts but a matter of ministry. Paul often mentioned learning, teaching, exercising, and training in his two Epistles to
Timothy. These matters do not come by gifts but by lessons learned through paying a price. We should learn to discern different kinds of vessels and to know people; these matters require the paying of a price. Ministry is to help others according to the lessons that we have learned. Gifts are of little use in the building of the church. The way to build the church depends on our paying a price and learning the lessons of life that work God into us.

Whether or not the Lord will delay His return or come quickly depends entirely on whether the church is built. Today many evangelists and revivalists become famous through gospel campaigns and revival meetings, but few have learned the lessons of life. If the leaders in Christianity do not have much spiritual learning, what can be expected of the ordinary “churchgoers”? In church history very few have spoken of the building of the church. Nevertheless, we should see that the Lord needs the building of the church today. (CWWL, 1957, vol. 3, pp. 393-394)

Further Reading: CWWL, 1957, vol. 3, pp. 386, 394

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