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澳洲: 乳癌患者的故事
2010/01/28 06:18:01瀏覽1236|回應0|推薦55

都能去感受患者 身體與內心的痛苦 你會因感同身受
而想幫助他們 還是拋棄他們 又或著你根本沒有感覺
我相信你和我一樣 很想伸出你的手幫助他們
用真心的祝福 也是一種幫助 希望有一天他們能康復

Barbara was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 45. After the shock of her initial diagnosis she decided not to give in to depression, but to fight her disease.
Barbara小姐被診斷出乳癌是45歲的時候 最初診斷是乳癌她是震驚恐懼
她決定不要屈服在沮喪裡 但是要跟乳癌決戰

Can you tell me how you found the cancer?
One evening before going to bed, I did self-examination of my breasts and found a lump in my right breast. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to have a look. It looked a bit funny and this was a Sunday night, so I thought on Monday I had better go to the doctor.
有天的傍晚睡覺前 我自己檢察乳房 我在我的右乳房發現一個腫塊
我就下床跑到廁所查看我的乳房 發現是有異樣 這是一個星期天的晚上

I went to the doctor on Monday afternoon and had a mammogram and ultrasound, and then went back to the doctor Monday evening. The results said it was probably fibrous tissue. I saw a breast specialist the following Wednesday and I thought, 'Well, if it is fibrous tissue, I will be fine', so I went on my own. The specialist looked at my breast and said, 'I don't like the look of that', and took a needle biopsy, and within 20 minutes told me I had breast cancer.
星期一下午做了乳房X線照片和超聲波 然後傍晚回去看醫生
結果說大慨是纖維的組織問題 星期三我要去看乳房專科
因為只是纖維的組織問題 我想我是還好 我就單獨去
乳房專科醫生看了我的乳房就說: 我並不想看到它有問題
20分鐘後告訴我 我得了乳癌
*活組織切片檢查: 用針刺在腫塊上 然後抽取裡面的組織

So this big wall went up and I thought, 'Oh, I wasn't expecting this', and all I talked about was how I could get out of the carpark and where I could get some change - I didn't want to know about the cancer. The specialist said, 'Well, we can either arrange for surgery and take a biopsy and find out what type of cancer it is, or we can take a biopsy now under ultrasound and have the results when you go into surgery'.
像一道牆慢慢的上升 我沒法接受這個結果 我並不想知道什麼是癌症
乳房專科醫生說: 我們可以邊安排手術 邊拿活組織切片去檢查
看看是哪一種乳癌 或者你現在去手術的同時 我們就去把活組織切片檢查出來

So I thought, 'I will do that. I am here and I may as well get it over and done with'. So, by the time I went into surgery, I knew that it was quite an aggressive cancer. I didn't really know whether the whole breast was going to be removed or just the lump. But they did plan to just take the lump and the lymph nodes.
我就在這裡 所以我想 我還是要動手術 我可能要跟乳癌做個了斷
所以同時我也就進了手術室 我知道它是十分霸道的癌症
我真的不知道我是將被整個乳房切除 還是只是切除腫塊部分
他們是有計劃的 就只切除腫塊部分和淋巴結

After the surgery, I went back to the specialist rooms to have the stitches removed and a drainage bottle removed, which came home with me. They had the results of my tumour and how many lymph nodes were involved, and I knew if the lymph nodes were involved that it wasn't a good sign.
手術後 我回到乳房專科醫生房去拆掉手術線和排水瓶 他們有我的腫瘤報告
有多少的淋巴結 有癌細胞在裡面 那不是好消息

They told me it was a grade three tumour that was aggressive, and that the cancer had gone through my lymph nodes. I asked straight away what my survival rate was and the answer was that, overall with breast cancer patients, there was a 70 per cent survival rate. But I wanted to know what mine was, because I had a grade three tumour and the glands were involved.
他們告訴我是第三期的腫瘤 是很霸道的腫瘤 那個腫瘤已經跑到淋巴結去了
我直接問我的存活率 以全面乳癌患者來說存活率 乳癌症存活率一般是70%
但是我要知道我自己的乳癌 因為我是第三期腫瘤 乳腺都有癌細胞了

I did find out that my chances were about 50/50. I wasn't happy with that. I sort of went into a bit of slump for a little while. I thought, 'Well, let's get on with it, because I might be on the good side of the 50 and, if I'm not, I really don't want to be miserable'. So I dragged myself up out of that state - where I was depressed about the bad 50 - and thought, 'Well, I could be on the good side'.
我發現我的存活率是50% 我並不高興 我陷入一陣頹廢狀
我想我就讓它去吧 我可能就是那好的50%的一邊
如果不是好的 一邊 我真的也不希望我是悲慘的

Can you explain the treatment you had after the operation?
After my operation, I had a course of chemotherapy, six weeks of radiotherapy and than another chemotherapy. My first chemotherapy caused my hair to fall out, mouth ulcers and vomiting - quite a few severe side effects, which doesn't happen to everybody. My radiotherapy I got through quite well, without too much burning or too much discomfort - that was quite good.
手術後我有一個化學療程 6星期的放射治療 另外還有一個化學治療
化學治療讓我掉頭髮 嘴巴潰爛 嘔吐 數種的副作用
放射治療過程就十分正常 並沒有太多燒傷及不舒服 十分好

My third session for this course was another dose of chemotherapy, which to me was probably the easiest. It was every two weeks taking tablets and having a drip, but the side effects were minimal compared to the first chemotherapy, so I got through that one quite well.
在第三階段還有一個服用量劑化療 對我來說這是最簡單的治療
它是每兩星期吃藥和打點滴 跟第一個化療比較 這是容易多了

It was quite daunting going in for my first episode of chemotherapy, not knowing how chemotherapy is administered, but - once I got there - the staff took me into a room with lots of chairs, like Jason recliners, with drips beside them and quite a few people hooked up to all these drips.
第一個化療是令人恐懼的 不知道它是如何被人家用來做化療
當護士帶我進到化療室 那裡有很多椅子 是一種漂亮的真皮躺椅
所有的椅子旁邊都有點滴 一些人全都吊著點滴

How did you feel about losing your hair?
At the point where I was losing my hair, I was in the shower one morning and washing my hair and it was coming out in clumps. I knew it was going to happen - I was expecting it - so I wasn't shocked. I rang my husband at work and told him, and he said, 'Oh well, we were expecting that. It's okay. I'll have to come home and see it'.
在我掉頭髮的時候是在一個早晨洗澡洗頭時 頭髮是一團一團的掉
我已經知道會這樣掉髮的 我能接受的 所以我並沒有很驚訝
他說: 哦 很好 我們是能接受的 它是好的 我會回家看它的

How did people react?
They stare at you. My husband would often say, 'She has lost her hair through cancer; she has had chemotherapy', and they would ask, 'What sort of cancer?', and things like that. If we went out and I would wear a hat, he would always tell me to take it off because he thought I looked good without a hat. So that gave me a bit of a boost.
他們是盯著你看 我先生總是會說: 她掉頭髮是因為有癌症而做化療
他們就會問: 是什麼癌症
每次就是這樣 如果我們出門我都會戴帽子 先生總是叫我摘下
因為他認為我不戴也很好看 這是給了我一些鼓舞(超溫馨的)

I did go to work and do some filing and, as it was at a dental surgery, I thought I had better wear a scarf there, because people might get shocked.
我去工作還有補牙看牙醫 我認為我還是頭戴上圍巾比較好 怕有人被我嚇到

How does the treatment impact on your life as a whole?
My specialist told me that I would have 12 months of treatment, so I decided I would give up work, and my life at that stage was just the treatment. Everyday there was something going on to get me through this. So I just gave into it and didn't worry about. It was just like a job I had to do. I would get up in the morning, get dressed and just go.
我的專科醫生告訴我 我將會有12個月的療程
所以我決定辭掉工作 我只是讓我自己不要有太多壓力
早上起床 穿衣服 然後出門

After I got the day covered with what I had to do for my treatment and my cancer, I would do my everyday things - shopping, visit people, housework, everything else. It didn't take my whole day, but part of my day was to get through this. I didn't have small children at that stage; they were all self-sufficient.
每天完成治療 我還是會做每天都會做的事 買東西 找朋友 做家事 等等
它們並不會花我一整天的時間 但是它們卻是我每天必做的
我並沒有年幼的小孩 我的孩子們都能自己幫自己

What do you think your husband went through emotionally?
When I was going through the cancer, my husband's worst fear was of me dying and how he was going to cope without me. Then he would pull himself out of that and say, 'No, you aren't going to die. you will be all right', but I think deep down he was worried. He felt as if he had no control. He couldn't do anything to help me. He could be there and support me, but he couldn't actually give me anything or do anything to help me, and he felt really helpless.
妳覺得妳先生對妳生病 情緒反應是怎樣
當我得癌症時 他最害怕的是我的死亡 他將如何去面對失去我
然後他停止這個想法 然後告訴我: 不會 妳不會死 妳會好起來的
他沒能力掌控 他沒有辦法幫我什麼

The key to recovery is support. My family gave me fantastic support. My husband, my three daughters, my mum, dad, brothers and my sister were all there, encouraging me and telling me how well I looked and how well I was coping. I thought, 'Then it must be true, so I'll keep going'. Everybody offered help. Neighbours cooked meals and took me shopping; it really got me through. So, if anyone offers you support and help, this is the time to take it.
我先生 我3個女兒 我媽 我爸 我哥們 我姊
都在我身旁支持著我 鼓勵著我
告訴我: 我看起來是健康的 我應付癌症應付得很好
我認為他們告訴我的話是真的 所以我繼續加油
我的鄰居幫我煮飯 帶我去買東西
所以如果有人提供幫助與支持 這時就接受吧!

來源: http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pspages/ps_breast_cancer?open
( 知識學習健康 )
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