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澳洲: 攝護腺癌患者的故事
2010/02/07 05:51:34瀏覽1036|回應0|推薦62

都能去感受患者 身體與內心的痛苦 你會因感同身受
而想幫助他們 還是拋棄他們 又或著你根本沒有感覺
我相信你和我一樣 很想伸出你的手幫助他們
用真心的祝福 也是一種幫助 希望有一天他們能康復

Ray was in his mid 60s and enjoying a healthy, active retirement when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He decided to have surgery, and later radiotherapy, to try and treat his cancer.
Ray在65歲退休後正享有健康 卻被診斷出他有攝護腺癌
他決定接受手術治療 接著做放射治療 這樣試著治療他的癌症

What made you first go to the doctor?
I went for a thorough general check, because I was 65. I asked for a bowel cancer check, ECG, blood pressure and any other tests, including a prostate test.
我只是去做一般的詳細健康檢查 因為我65歲了
我要求做大腸直腸癌 心電圖剖析 血壓的檢查 還有任何其他檢查 包括攝護腺癌

Did you have any symptoms?
That's the odd thing; I had no symptoms and no reason to suspect anything was wrong. Most men don't think about it.
那是奇怪的事 我沒有症狀 也沒有理由懷疑有什麼不對

What happened after the tests?
Part of the test for prostate cancer is a digital rectal examination, and the doctor could feel a lump on the prostate and the PSA (prostate specific antigen) was at a level that required investigation. When he told me that I had prostate cancer that really shook my system, because when you're told you have any form of cancer, your world is turned upside down. Particularly when you have absolutely no symptoms.
醫生感覺到有一顆腫塊 還有被要求做血清攝護腺特異抗原在正常指數
當醫生告訴我 我得了攝護腺癌 我真的好震驚我的身體狀況
當你被告知你有任何形態的癌症時 你的世界是顛倒的

How did you react at the time?
The urologist said, 'You have three options; you can have an operation, radiotherapy or you can do nothing at all'.
泌尿科醫生說: 你有3個選擇 手術治療 放射治療 或著你也可以完全都不做

I said, 'The third option seems pretty good to me, what happens if I do nothing at all?' He said, 'Well, you mightn't be here in 12 months' time'. We had to wait until the biopsy was healed before we could do the operation (about six weeks) and, in the meantime, I had to take pills designed to hold the cancer at bay.
我說: 第3個選擇對我來說聽起來十分不錯 但是如果我完全都不做會發生什麼事
泌尿科醫生說: 在12個月內你可能不會在這裡
我們必須等到攝護腺活組織切片檢查的傷口癒合(大概6星期) 才能再做手術治療
同時我必須吃藥 這種藥的作用是阻止癌細胞擴大範圍
*攝護腺活組織切片檢查: 用超聲波探針從肛門放入在腫塊上抽取裡面的組織

What he didn't tell me was that the pills would kill my libido. I could no longer have an erection and I didn't know it. It wasn't until about 10 days later, my wife said to me, 'Is there something wrong with me lately? What has happened to our relationship?'
泌尿科醫生並沒有告訴我 這種藥會破壞我的性慾
我不能有性反應 我不知道會這樣
直到10天後我太太跟我說: 最近我是有什麼問題嗎 我們之間發生什麼事嗎

That was a result of taking the pills, but I only found that out after a long time. I just wished he had said to me in the first place, 'This is the side effect'. Then I would have been prepared for it and expected that reaction.
這就是吃藥的結果 但是我卻隔很久才發現
這就是副作用 然後我才有時間準備接受這個吃藥後的反應

How successful has your treatment been?
The doctors tell you there is a good chance you might be impotent. There is also a possibility that you can be incontinent after the operation, but that is nothing as long as you can live. I had the operation and it takes two to three months before you are back to anything like normal. About three months after the operation I thought, 'Well, things are starting to get back to normal. I'm cured and everything is going to be okay', but it didn't turn out that way.
醫生告訴你 手術後你性無能的機會很大
而且在手術後有一個可能性 你可能會大小便失禁
但是那也沒什麼 只要你能忍受的了
關於手術3個月後我就想: 所有的事都回歸正常
我被療癒了 所有的事都將會變好的 結果卻不是這樣的

What was the treatment like?
The first couple of treatments are pretty horrifying, but then you get to know the people who are with you there and form a little group, have a laugh and it's okay.
最先的幾個治療是十分可怕的 但是你會認識一些人是跟你在同一個地方治療的
還會形成一個小團體 還有笑聲 治療的可怕就變還好

The doctor had said, when I asked him, that there is about a 25 per cent chance that radiotherapy will get hold of what has spread from the cancer. Twenty-five per cent is better than zero per cent, so I took it. I had some nausea and later on some diarrhoea, and I got very debilitated and tired at the end of the treatment, and it was not possible for me to drive myself every day.
25%的機率好過0%的機率 所以我選擇做放射治療
我會有一些噁心 後來會有一些腹瀉 我還會非常虛弱 在後期的治療會疲倦

I have been on hormone treatment now for 18 months. It's four years since they discovered the cancer and I'm feeling very well and positive, but how long that will go on, one doesn't know.
我至今荷爾蒙治療有18個月了 從發現我有攝護腺癌到現在4年了
我感覺非常好而且樂觀 能持續多久 沒有人知道

How has it affected your life?
You do have a changing attitude to life. You are very thankful for every day. Those who are positive tend to make the most of every day. Do all sorts of things. All the things you've ever wanted to do, enjoy life, get stuck into any projects, because you don't know how long you will be able to do it.
你必須改變對生活的態度 你必須非常感恩每一天
這樣積極的面向 過著大部分的每一天
做所有各種事情 這些事情都是你曾經想做的 享受你的生活
盡情的去做任何事 因為你不知道你還有時間去做它嗎

There are some who are negative and, being in this situation, they say, 'Well, we can no longer participate in life. We know it's short; we'll just take it easy and do nothing at all'. Those people tend, in the main, not to live as long as those who are positive, so there is an advantage if you can have a positive attitude to life. That, to me, is the only way to go!
他們說: 唉 我們沒有時間再參與這個生命了 我們的生命是短暫的
我們只要輕鬆的過 完全什麼都不做
在重點裡 這些悲觀面向的人 生命都不會長過樂觀的人
所以有一個優勢 如果你有一個樂觀的態度去生活
這個對我來說 是唯一一個向前走的出路

How has it affected your relationship with your wife?
There is no sex life once you are impotent. There are other ways in which one can be loving, but in my case she has accepted the fact that our life has changed and we are perhaps more like brother and sister.
一旦你性無能就沒有性生活 其實還有另一種方法愛對方
但在我的案例 我太太是接受事實 就是我們的生活已經改變了

In some ways, we have possibly grown a little closer, a little more understanding and a little more forgiving, if one might say that, for little things that crop up in life. But she feels as though she has been cheated and I can understand that. She also understands that it is not my fault that this has happened. It is just one of those things of life. A bad penny that's turned up!
在某些地方 如果我們其中一人 在我們生活中有某些突發狀況出現
我們已經盡可能的再親近一點 再更了解對方一點 再更寬容對方一點
但是她覺得她好像被欺騙了 我會了解她的想法和感受的
她也會了解那也不是我的錯 事情就是這樣已經發生了
這就是在生活裡很多事情中的一件事而已 壞事情就是這樣說來就來

Traditionally, men are not good at investigating their own illnesses. Does that play a role in prostate cancer?
One of the symptoms is a tendency to frequent urination, particularly at nighttime. If a man has to get up two or three times a night, it may indicate that his prostate is becoming enlarged. It doesn't necessarily mean prostate cancer, but even that should alert a man to do something about it and have it checked out. But we don't do anything about it, as a general rule, until it becomes really bad.
在傳統上 男人比較不容易察覺到自己的病 特別是得攝護腺癌的男人嗎
如果一個男人半夜起床2-3次 那他可能表示他的攝護腺是腫大的
但他並不一定是得了攝護腺癌 但是那卻是一個警示要去做一些檢查了
在一般的狀況下 我們是不用做什麼 除非它真的是變嚴重

How do you feel about your future now?
I think if you keep positive, keep involved, keep your mind on doing the things that you want to do, and get out and about and enjoy life as much as you can, that's the way to view your future life. I don't care if it ends in 12 months, two years or three years - I'm ready for it. I don't think that my wife has accepted that fully and that's a little sad, but we try to make sure that our affairs are in order and do the best we can in the meantime.
我認為你只要保持樂觀 保持參與 保持你的專注力在你想做的事情上面
盡可能的外出到處走走享受生活 這是觀察未來生活的一種方法
我不會去管我只能活1年或2年或3年 無論我能活多久我都能接受
我不認為我太太能完全接受 這真的是有一點悲傷

A support group is of great help. We have a lot of fun, we laugh. We had our meeting the other day with a lady from the Cancer Council and we all said, 'Well what a lovely lady she was, but we could do nothing about it'.
攝護腺癌病患的互助會 給予非常棒的幫助
我們發生很多有趣的事 我們會高興的歡笑
有一天我們見到一位女士 她是從癌症協會來的
我們都說: 嗯 多麼可愛的女士 可惜我們什麼都沒辦法做

If you could say just one thing to someone who has been diagnosed, what would it be?
I would say make sure you get a second opinion and try to contact somebody who may have it. The other thing is, for goodness sake, take an interest in your problem. Having prostate cancer is not a death warrant that is going to happen overnight. It is a slow-growing cancer; you have plenty of time. If you manage yourself well, you will have plenty of time to enjoy whatever time you have left to the maximum.
如果你只能對剛患攝護腺癌的人說一件事 那會是什麼事
我將會告訴他: 確定你還有第二個意見而且試著聯繫某人也有攝護腺癌
還有一件事 看在上帝的份上 你一定要知道你的問題所在
有攝護腺癌不是死刑的保證 也不會在一之夜間就發生
它是ㄧ種生長緩慢的癌症 你有很多時間的
如果你能把你自己支配的很好 你將有大量的時間去享受直到最大的極限時你離去

來源: http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pspages/ps_prostate_cancer?open

( 知識學習健康 )
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