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賞櫻時節 Cherry Blossom
2020/04/05 22:59:45瀏覽1176|回應2|推薦9

瘟疫全球大爆發,請大家安坐府上,虛擬賞櫻。推介的地點,可能是北美洲最熱門之處~ Washington DC(下面簡稱 dc)。余兩次在櫻花盛開時節在那賞櫻第一次是1985年,當年在紐約工作,專程到 dc 探望1978年參加旅遊協會『學生大使』 HKTA Student Ambassadors Program 認識之朋友。下面這輯數碼相片則拍於相隔30年後之20154月。

市內遍植櫻桃樹,最密布的 Potomac 河畔的 Tidal Basin
上面是 dc 眾多地標中之地標 Washington Monument下面是 Jefferson Memorial(有關Jefferson 的“名言”請參閱拙文春風化雨 Stupid White Men)

整個湖畔植了成千上萬的 Cherry Blossoms,但遊人數目更是驚人,數以十萬計。




dc landscaping 做得挺好,除了最著名的櫻花,還有很多其他花樹。可惜余乃“植物盲”,古語叫“五穀不分”,認得的只有紫玉蘭。



在警察博物館下面的灣仔峽公園也植有不少棵紫玉蘭,論高度不比上面 dc 小棵的矮;不知是氣候問題抑或是打理不宜,花朵長得零星落索。





英文裡對粉紅色的描述叫 cherry blossom pink也有一首流行曲叫 Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White 維基說有數十個版本,喜歡跳舞的也一定以此曲跳過恰恰。歌名譯作中文,櫻粉蘋白。

dc 的櫻花雖然以白色為主,但也有少數粉紅色的。



dc 魅力

香港人”哈日,說賞櫻,打賭最可能聽到的是去日本。余小時候聽祖母說淪陷的三年零八個月日軍之殘暴,及後初中讀歷史知道戚繼光抗倭寇、甲午戰爭、八年抗戰,對倭寇相當反感討厭。近十五年主要是女兒喜歡到日本,去過四次,之前只去過一次。其實中國也是賞櫻勝地,武漢尤其著名,也看過朋友成都拍的相片。說回 dc,除了櫻花,還有很多吸引遊客的名勝。動物園、植物園、各種不同主題的博物館,全是世界一流的,且絕大多數是免費的。還有 Arlington 國家墳場,葬了很多名人,包括堅離地總統。

除了博物館,dc 另一冠絕全美的是紀念碑。有紀念名人,包括總統的,也有很多是戰爭紀念碑。想拋磚引玉,特別一提的是朝鮮戰爭紀念碑

上維基簡單查看一下,美國拍攝越戰的電影是朝鮮戰爭電影的很多倍。同樣,越戰結束僅七年,越戰紀念碑已在 dc 建成。但這個朝鮮戰爭紀念碑卻在戰爭過去四十二年後才建成。兩場都是冷戰年代因意識形態,美帝強行在東亞出頭而打不贏的戰爭。為何對朝鮮戰爭總是有點諱莫如深之感呢?希望有識之士能不吝賜教為盼。

對於二戰後美帝盛行的 warmonger 文化,奉上成都武侯祠趙藩所作對聯:

 不審勢即寬嚴皆誤,後來治蜀要深思 ”

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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It’s all games of thrones (part1)
2020/04/11 22:22
After Second World War , the world was divide between usa n Soviet Union , Cold War era , democratic n communist fighting proxies warfare all over their two empires. China Communist was a proxies of soviet n Taiwan, South Korea n south Vietnam a proxies of usa , communist sent in the ex Kwomantong soldiers to fight the Korea war n get rid of them . The usa general mcarthur want to continue expand the war into soviet territory n stop by the usa president, a power struggle. Since Second World War , the West with the fortune confiscated from all those emperor fortune , Japanese stolen n hiding fortune in south east Asia n Chinese warlords overseas fortune n Germany stolen fortune . Usa together with Zionist n warlord becoming  overseas Chinese control the non communist block n practice so call free , democracy , liberal n globalisation new world order .then Soviet Union break up , china coming up as superpowers n challenge the usa. Those forces n country that lost in the Second World War , together with trump , establishing a new order , populism, dictator , emperor,strong man, kkk, mafia , racism , trump in usa , five star in Italy , Xi in china , Putin in Russia , Boris Johnson brexit in Uk , abe in Japan , turkey , Middle East etc . This new far right populism establishments start threatening the old order interest of the Zionist n overseas Chinese , such as superman n those staying at four season hotel .

It’s all games of thrones (part2)
2020/04/11 21:26
(cont'd from part 1)
They do not control the establishment but they have the fortune n media n people power , protest in hk , election in Taiwan, unemployment in china n now the final return of the beyond stage , this world pandemic.
It's all games of thrones, within each country n now bringing a new world order after this Third World War that blocking each cities n each other , any one is a carrier of virus killing machine , someone must have the cure , now or the coming months , survival of the fittest, a change of guard n change of fortune, history repeating itself , it's total warfare worldwide , economy collapse, unemployment, depression, food war , starvation, no end until the internal fighting ending with the last episode, final encounter within the palace of whether the warlords, emperor or hero any one that take the throne again .
Above is just a fictional self script, self direct n self produced games of thrones Hollywood production inside my dream , naming , arriving of a hot summer night from a lasting cold winter day