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2007/01/31 21:20:48瀏覽260|回應0|推薦1 | |
動人心弦的絕唱---評註 My comments to that story of the little yellow bird and the old bird. I am very moved by this true story of the friendship or love between the birds as well as the people who raised the birds. When I read this stroy I couldn't help but remember vividly my cat, Chuancey, who had accompanied as my best friend or my dear son for more than 14 years. I brought him from a human being. My cat, Chauncey was so cosiderate and thoguhtful. He almost convinced me that he could talk to me. When I talked to him and cared him, he watched me with his knowing eyes as if he was speaking to me with a soundelss language. Even now, from time to time, when I see another cat, I think about him. Sometimes, I even dream about him. My wife joked with me, saying that, fortunately my cat, Chauncey was a male, otherwise after Chauncey died, I could have behaved like a man who lost his loved female.
我正在讀您寄來的那篇「鳥」,和您寫的評註。這篇文章再次感動了我。我也想起了您的貓。的確,牠陪伴了您十四年之久,跟隨您到地球的另一端,還未入境就受到那麼無理的對待。牠那麼恐慌、無奈。牠無法抗爭,只能默默地承受,默默等待愛牠的主人來拯救。倘若牠的主人是一位無名小卒,那將會是何等命運? 幸運的是,牠有一位愛牠又有能力救牠的主人,牠才能在愛的呵護下走完了一生。直到如今,牠的主人仍將牠的骨灰罈放在自己的書房裡,日日夜夜守護著祂。 我羨慕也嫉妒祂!相比之下,我寧願做一隻貓! I miss my cat, Chauncey not only because he was a lovely cat but also he represented true noble virture of this world. 我知道您的貓很可愛,也很愛您,就像您的第二個兒子。這些理由已經足以令人羨慕和嫉妒了。 Yes, I love my cat not because only he was a lovely cat but more, I had learned the value of life and to understand that even a samll animal could have feelings and needed to be cared and respected. This i show we shuld care and respect other lifes. Such a new perspective to the world has opened my eyes to a new world too. 我認真的閱讀了那篇鳥,這篇文章的作者文筆很好,尤其是他的觀察力和描寫能力.他用小學生不必查字典的文字寫出了大學者都深為感動的故事.。 Yes, you are right. It was well written and very touching, particularly with significant implications behind the story. The autor is a talent and very sensitive writer with an observing eye. 我為之感動的,首先是它主題,「無私的愛」。這是ㄧ個古老而永久的話題。從遠古到現在,人們用各種不同的表現手法,不同的語言文字,不同的故事情節去詮釋這個主題。而這篇文章卻用了非常簡單的情節,沒有華麗的詞彙,沒有複雜的句子,卻把愛寫的如此傳神,如此刻骨銘心。這是我要認真學習的。 Yes, ironically now it is hard to find such unslefish love among human beings. That is why those samll animals are so unforgetable and so touching
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |