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2016/05/17 04:39:53瀏覽275|回應12|推薦0 | |
Today was the first class hosted by Alfonso. He chose a speech from TED and its topic was “Why bees are disappearing?” This speech mentioned the reasons why bees are disappearing. They were multiple and interacting causes: diseases, parasites, pesticides, monocultures, and flowerless landscape. At the end, the hostess raised a simple countermeasure -- just go plant flowers.
Starting from Tom and ending by John, each member read one paragraph and translated it into Chinese. Alfonso prepared lots of additional material to help every member understand this article well. He also projected many photos of various bees, flowers, cover plants, flower structure, etc.
Here were some highlights during our discussion.
1. Henry, our chemistry expert, shared some knowledge on resin, carbohydrates, pros & cons of monoculture, etc.
2. Jenny Chou shared her recent experience on watching beekeepers release their bees at內湖區大崙頭尾山.
3. Food desert is a serious social issue in the United States due to the emerging of supermarkets. It referred to a low income area within a population of 500 or more people that does not have a grocery store within a mile.
4. Active ingredient vs. inert ingredient Take insecticide for example. The active ingredients are major material to kill insects while the inert ingredients are to combine the former ones without reducing insect-killing effects.
Remarks: Above contents were notes made by Andy.
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