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2011/07/27 10:01:18瀏覽842|回應0|推薦7 | |
The child is not dead the child raises his fists against his mother who screams Africa screams the smell of freedom and heather in the locations of the heart under siege The child raises his fists against his father in the march of the generations who scream Africa scream the smell of justice and blood in the streets of his armed pride The child is not dead neither at Langa nor at Nyanga nor at Orlando nor at Sharpeville nor at the police station in Philippi where he lies with a bullet in his head The child is the shadow of the soldiers on guard with guns saracens and batons the child is present at all meetings and legislations the child peeps through the windows of houses and into the hearts of mothers the child who just wanted to play in the sun at Nyanga is everywhere the child who became a man treks through all of Africa the child who became a giant travels through the whole world Without a pass -----Ingrid Junker 英格麗 瓊蔻 的詩句. 黑蝶漫舞 預售票開賣~8/26截止 兩廳院售票網 博客來售票網 《黑蝶漫舞》超值電影套票:1套(2張)計420元 可購票方式:1.網路 2.售票處 *有刪除線的票價,為已經售完的票價。 *節目分級:不分級。 上映時間:2011年8月26日晚場起上映 上映地點:真善美戲院、國賓影城@長春廣場 票價:單張270元 套票較划算*-* 加贈「美」「詩」雙好禮: ●詩:知名女詩人顏艾琳《微美》詩集(華品文創出版,定價230元) ●美:Make-up Studio來自荷蘭的彩妝品牌,飛舞繽紛的美麗夢境! 1.釉光恆色唇彩(定價1100元) 2.金鑛光雙采眼影(定價900元) 3.時尚眼線筆(定價550元) *以上3選1,數量有限贈完為止 贈品圖
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