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人最大的不幸 (生命惜福篇)
2011/09/04 06:30:02瀏覽398|回應0|推薦13

<生命惜福篇> 人最大的不幸 l The Most Serious Misfortune


A very rich man did have a lot of money. 


He could buy whatever he wanted to have.


However, he was not happy at all, for this he was very confused.


One day, he suddenly had a strange idea, put all his jewelry, gold, etc. into a bag.

開始去旅行, 他決定只要誰可以告訴他幸福的方法, 他就把整個袋子送給他。 

He started his trip, tried to find someone who could tell him the method to find fortune, and would give the whole bag as a reward.


He looked for and asked again and again, and finally arrived a small village.

有位村民告訴他, 你應該去見這位大師… 

A resident told him that you should to visit that master.

如果他也沒辦法…就算你跑到天涯海角 ...也沒有人可以幫你了!

 If he could not help you, then no one else could do so in the world. 


Finally he saw the master silting at home with eyes closed, the millionaire said very excitedly. 

我一生的財產都在這袋子裡, 只要你能告訴我幸福的方法,  這袋子就是你的了。

The wealth of my whole life is in this bag, if you could tell me the method to find fortune, the bag will be yours. 

這時天色已黑,夜已降臨; 大師頓時抓了富翁手上的袋子就往外跑了。

At that time, it was dark, the master suddenly grabbed the bag and ran away. 


The rich man felt restless, cried and chased out.

畢竟是外地人,  不一會就跟丟了… 

After all, he was an outsider, so he lost his way.


The rich man cried sadly and said, I had been fooled... the painstaking effort of my whole life…” 


Finally the master returned back, and gave back the bag to him.

富翁見到失而復得的袋, 立刻將其抱在懷裡…直說:太好了…! 

The rich man was so happy to regain the lost bag, hold it tightly and said repeatedly, Wonderful, wonderful…”.


The master stood in front of him and asked, How do you feel now, is it fortunate? 


Fortunate, fortunate, I feel I am really too fortunate!


The master smiled and said, There doesn’t exist any special method…” 


Man used to take it for granted that what he had is natural.


As a result, you will not feel fortunate, what you lack is a missing chance.


Now you realize how important is what you have!

. . . 源自網路轉載   

( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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