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2010/08/21 11:48:30瀏覽849|回應9|推薦0 | |
今天大夥去打牙祭, 星期五中午, 嘴角都飛揚. 突然有人衝著我邊瞧邊靠近, 這人是誰? 真面熟…. 啊, 以前上過他的課 -- 喬治. 有些彆扭地寒暄了兩下, 同事打趣問喬治: Was she a good student? 喬治說: Good but nasty! 接著我的耳根子該都紅起來了…. 事情是這樣的… 幾年前曾經拿過喬治的課. 一次上課時, 班上一位女孩一直以很菜的英文發問. 看她的勇氣聽她的口音, 應該是大陸同胞. 喬治被問煩了, 突然發飆: I’m not going to waste my time here, your problem is English. You are an English handicap!!! (不用浪費時間了, 妳的英文根本有問題, 妳根本是個英文殘障!!!) 我楞住了, 當下同學們也沒任何反應. 下課時, 我情緒激動地同臨坐的同學提及老師的不當言論, 無奈沒人答腔, 大家都自顧自地討論著課程裏的東西. 唉, 同學們都是晚上來拿課, 學費又貴, 真是沒人浪費時間的. 但一個老師, 這樣的言論, 失當. 尤其在加拿大這樣一個多重文化的社會, 這樣大剌剌地指責一位學生”英語殘障”, 離譜. 這位喬治老師, 本身也是亞裔, 帶著濃重的口音. 這樣敏感的議題, 他老兄居然可以這樣輕蔑對待. 這樣的言論, 白人教員有天大的膽也不敢說出口. 那晚一直很後悔自己沒當場有所反應, 回到家, 立刻 email 給喬治, 今天再把它從陳年信箱挖出來. 又再讀了一次喬治避重就輕的回覆, 發現我們的觀點, 其實是沒有交集的, 他這樣不耐煩自己的膚色大半輩子了, 大概根本不懂或不想知道我在說什麼. 我的 email: Dear George, I feel very uncomfortable after today's class. The way you criticized that girl and called her an "English handicap" in front of the whole class is quite inappropriate to me. Even her English is really a concern and she may need to work on that first; still, the way you talked today is just too harsh and disturbing. Maybe too many stupid questions have upset you too much, but wouldn’t it be nice if you could give her some advice during recess if you really want to help? In our first class, you have mentioned that some students might cheat on exam because they are "English handicaps". I don't feel right about all these "remarks". I appreciate your achievement for being successful at your professional field, especially as a visible minority. And I'm trying not to over react on these "discrimination" issues, but shouldn't we try to be more careful and sensitive on such subjects in this multiracial society? Anyway, I feel sorry for that hard-working girl. I hope she’ll be all right and not be discouraged. Regards, 喬治的回覆: I appreciate your email. Let me reassure you that in no way am I trying to criticize anyone. However, it is a fact that with some students whose English is a second language, they are at a disadvantage and you must work harder than student for whom English is their first language. That is the message that I am trying to get across. I do not recall ever suggesting that someone with an English handicap would cheat on an exam. There is a general concern with cheating in exams. I believe I try to be sensitive to the multi-cultural nature of the class and I have been very patient in answering questions in class. I hope you can see that. However, there is a point when there are continuous questions being asked because of a lack of understanding of basis English, I have to take into consideration the impact on the rest of the class. I hope you recogniized that I simply cannot continuously allocate excessive time in the class to explain simple English. I try to be flexible and accommodating up to a certain reasonable point. I hope you can see from an instructor's perspective that you try to be sensitive but an instructor also have to take into consideration the interest of the whole class. What would you suggested is a good balance in being sensitive in answering questions because of a lack of English and time taken away from the class with these continuous questions? I agree with you that I generally find that most Asian students do work hard. This is fortunate in that having English as a second language does put your at a disadvantage and the person has no choice but to work hard. I sincerely do not think the questions are "stupid". However, I must admit that I do not have the resources to effectively deal with questions that relates to lack of basic English. We only have a certain amount of class time and we are always short of it as you can appreciate from the fact that we seem to go pass the regular class time of 8:30 quite often. I thank you for your concern. |
( 在地生活|北美 ) |