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I wake up, alone but happy without fear!
2011/06/10 11:46:35瀏覽281|回應1|推薦4

I need to be more conscious, aware, and alert.

I don’t want to go through life on automatic, doing life as it comes along or others' expect.

I have waked up by the death of a loved one, a miracle, a near death experience, the birth of a child, a farewell, a marriage, a spiritual experience, a great accomplishment, a serious illness, an award, losing a chance, and so on.

However, sometimes I feel living my live asleep.

When am I present and awake?

When I am fully in my body at full attention to what I am doing at that very moment.

Moment to moment presence is very difficult to achieve. Sometime I am seconds behind or ahead of myself.

I can not enjoy the present.

And it’s always high time to change-- giving up thinking about being anything. I think it means being at the present only.

So what’s the first step?

Be simple, but become aboudant.

Get less but enjoy more.

And then I find that I like to be alone when and where I can stop thinking but just be here and now. 

I am alone most of time except for spending time with kids, husband, and students.

I collect all rest time for myself alone. I am alone with myself doing what I like.

I have most passion for myself and my interest when and where I would completedly enjoy my desire for certainitand and comfort; variety and uncertainity; love and connection; growthand significance; and contribution.

To certain extent, my too-extreme-self-center is apparently selfish.

But I find that the brightest insight and awareness of life is that I am here and there only with myself but nothing else.

It’s all my own perception, feelings, and stories.

I wake up, alone but happy without fear!

( 創作詩詞 )
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I wake up, alone and happy with fears.
2011/06/11 23:13

Fears of losing remind me of the importance of cherishing.

Ears, all ears to my inner call will guide me to reach a richer me with self-confidence.

Alone, being alone enables me to wake up to taste the beauty of being instead of doing.

Ring! Ring! Ring! An alarm clock within ME drives me to enjoy happiness more.

Switch on and off to sense FEARS with faith.