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2011/08/30 04:01:53瀏覽172|回應3|推薦7
Sleepless night...
Suffer in my mind..
Try to write something positive..
But this time...
I really lose power..
Can someone give me more luck..
I am asking something..small thing..
When I can give up my worry for my families..
When they can grow up, strong up, and wake up..

Dear God..I am here..always work hard and love deep..
But  when I can see the magic.
When I can be free..
from all those challenge..............

I feel so lonely in fighting this fight for so long...........................

( 創作詩詞 )
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I am here with you with all ears.
2011/08/31 15:17
I am here with you with all ears.

2011/08/30 14:03

Fight for the  freedom and the carefree mindset even though we are locked and can't go anywhere.

I am with you with all ear right now, right here.

Go for nothing special, but care for everyone sincere.

Heaven or hell depends on your attitude and your perspective of viewing  things .

Tomorrow is always another brighter day because you have done your best and have no regrets. 


New semester begins and I believe a fighter like you will have a GREAT day

valaivai(valaivai) 於 2011-09-23 15:09 回覆:

Dearest Helen:

Thanks to be there all the time.

I believe you know how suffering it was at that time.

Now I feel in peace, energy, and hope.

Emotion comes and goes.

It's part of our life and ourselves.

I am back ..the energetic and passionate Valaivai....Thanks!!

2011/08/30 08:51
If you believe in Him, please be reminded that He is always there watching over and caring for you -- laughing with you, suffering with you, tearing with you, working hard with you, celebrating with you, and, finally,  triumphing with you. Just believe...  
valaivai(valaivai) 於 2011-09-23 15:12 回覆:

Dearest Big Brother..

Your words always guides me..

I do certain reading and writing..

And then I am back..

Share you what I write to empower myself...

Faith - If life isn't working well, choose to create it in another way. The first truth in life is we are born to be confident. The process of being confident: You believe-you see-you attract-you are. Believe-trust-confidence-inner power.

Divine Purpose - We have all been created for a mighty purpose. We are created and live for certain purpose.

Consciousness - Clear your consciousness. Take note and make goal list for every next moment. What’s your calling? You are titled-you can attract-you have right to. Focus what you want to experience rather than what you think you are experiencing.

Vision - Set things right in your world through spiritual vision. Listen to your inner voice to see the truth. Use diffeernt and new vision to see everything and people. I creat what I see; I choose my emotions. I decide the success and beauty. I meet what I expect.

Joy - Make joy a constant in your life. We are titled to enjoy and share joy. You are blessed and lucky. Angle can fly for he doesn’t see himself too much.

Power - Untap the awesome power within you. Without self-pity but only power.

Love - You are love, experience it. Don’t wait love from others; you are love itself. Tell the difference between love and desire for love. Everything make you react is about you. Are you reacting from love or fear? Love-joy, kindness, passion, union, happiness, and peace.

Wisdom - Hear your inner direction, put it to use in your life. Focus on the right and have simple life.

Non-Attachment - Ask and accept the help that is always at hand. Give everything to the universe and God.

Abundance - Become the master of giving and receiving. Praise-give-gain-receive.

Forgiveness - Eliminate what doesn't work in your life by forgiving it and clear the way for the good that will fill the vacuum.

Divine Life - Live a life that reflects the divinity you are uncovering within yourself.

I share this spiritual writing to myself and my students, too..

Spirits is the most powerful and formost for us to get heal and peace......

Thanks for ur concern!!