Dearest Big Brother.. Your words always guides me.. I do certain reading and writing.. And then I am back.. Share you what I write to empower myself... Faith - If life isn't working well, choose to create it in another way. The first truth in life is we are born to be confident. The process of being confident: You believe-you see-you attract-you are. Believe-trust-confidence-inner power. Divine Purpose - We have all been created for a mighty purpose. We are created and live for certain purpose. Consciousness - Clear your consciousness. Take note and make goal list for every next moment. What’s your calling? You are titled-you can attract-you have right to. Focus what you want to experience rather than what you think you are experiencing. Vision - Set things right in your world through spiritual vision. Listen to your inner voice to see the truth. Use diffeernt and new vision to see everything and people. I creat what I see; I choose my emotions. I decide the success and beauty. I meet what I expect. Joy - Make joy a constant in your life. We are titled to enjoy and share joy. You are blessed and lucky. Angle can fly for he doesn’t see himself too much. Power - Untap the awesome power within you. Without self-pity but only power. Love - You are love, experience it. Don’t wait love from others; you are love itself. Tell the difference between love and desire for love. Everything make you react is about you. Are you reacting from love or fear? Love-joy, kindness, passion, union, happiness, and peace. Wisdom - Hear your inner direction, put it to use in your life. Focus on the right and have simple life. Non-Attachment - Ask and accept the help that is always at hand. Give everything to the universe and God. Abundance - Become the master of giving and receiving. Praise-give-gain-receive. Forgiveness - Eliminate what doesn't work in your life by forgiving it and clear the way for the good that will fill the vacuum. Divine Life - Live a life that reflects the divinity you are uncovering within yourself. I share this spiritual writing to myself and my students, too.. Spirits is the most powerful and formost for us to get heal and peace...... Thanks for ur concern!!