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2011/03/10 11:59:24瀏覽352|回應1|推薦10 | |
How to connect you? In the Logical Road (MIND). I never want to impress you with my strong logic for I am not rational but emotional. Knowledge is not as inviting as feelings to me. In my romantic world, there is much more touch than anlayzation. I am a lady with different logic, reading piles of books undoubtedly enrich my logic but only feelings can motivate me to move, to experience, and to memorize. What I long for is a moment when we have a deep, connected, and emotional way. The Physical Road (BODY) The Spiritual Road (SPIRIT) It ends only as a deep friendship but a less than perfect relationship. In Heart Road ( EMOTION) I dream to connecting you through your heart. I bravely open my heart first. I assume once you feels my heart, you’ll open up yours. It is creating a heart-to-heart connection by beginning with expressing our most authentic self. As a result, the trick to learn exactly HOW to express my feelings is the most dispensible part for me and our relationship. Expessing neither in a stifled, inauthentic nor critical to you, but a more self-exploring, self-fulfilling, and self-realizing way. A good and constructive relationship is like a mirror. We don’t need each other but we need each other as mirrors to reflect who we are, how we feel, and what we think. It’s all end in a self journey. A journey to know ourselves more and then be the best ourselves.
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