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How to connect you?
2011/03/10 11:59:24瀏覽352|回應1|推薦10

How to connect you?

In the Logical Road (MIND).

I never want to impress you with my strong logic for I am not rational but emotional. Knowledge is not as inviting as feelings to me. In my romantic world, there is much more touch than anlayzation. I am a lady with different logic, reading piles of books undoubtedly enrich my logic but only feelings can motivate me to move, to experience, and to memorize. What I long for is a moment when we have a deep, connected, and emotional way.

The Physical Road (BODY)
It is the last thing I want to share with you. Being sexy is not for you but for my own feminity. I have to confess that lust-orianted relationship is too fleshy and flashy to bear for all of us. People get traped in more and more excited sex but they never know it’s a lie for most desirable imagination in sex is the most unreal part which will blind you to see more real things in each other.

The Spiritual Road (SPIRIT)

Spiritual part is a very important part in my life, but I know it’s difficult and inadequate to connect you only by sharing the same values and spiritual interest and commitment.

It ends only as a deep friendship but a less than perfect relationship.

In Heart Road ( EMOTION)

I dream to connecting you through your heart. I bravely open my heart first. I assume once you feels my heart, you’ll open up yours. It is creating a heart-to-heart connection by beginning with expressing our most authentic self.

Could we be the one who help each other to feel our own feelings and therefore allow ourselves to be ourself.

As a result, the trick  to learn exactly HOW to express my feelings is the most dispensible part for me and our relationship. Expessing neither in a stifled, inauthentic nor critical to you, but a more self-exploring, self-fulfilling, and self-realizing way.

A good and constructive relationship is like a mirror. We don’t need each other but we need each other as mirrors to reflect who we are, how we feel, and what we think. It’s all end in a self journey. A journey to know ourselves more and then be the best ourselves.









( 創作詩詞 )
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Bear with you with my attentive ears because you are my sweet baby.
2011/03/11 23:25

valaivai(valaivai) 於 2011-04-20 17:24 回覆:

You are my sweet baby too...

I beleive we have contacted completedly and deeply in every aspect..

Love you always....