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For Helen and 子建哥
2010/06/29 08:07:47瀏覽311|回應2|推薦1

Read your words in your blogs or your feedback for me are like comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss my lips, sunsets to warm my heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for m eyes to see, friendships to brighten my being, faith so that I can believe, confidence for whenI doubt, courage to know myself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete my life...



( 創作詩詞 )
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2010/06/30 10:47

Reading your compliments makes me feel embarrassed, but, at the same time, glad. You are so kind to say those nice things about my simple feedback (Helen's, yes, but mine, ...);  however, I am also happy such a small act has made you feel good. I guess that's what friends are for, and what friendship is all about.  

Stay happy and positive!

Meou, Meou, Meou~~~
2010/06/29 23:32

Life has its ups and downs, but sharing in between with friends makes life wonderful.

I love the sounds of the cats, " Meou, meou, meou, ~~" due to the reason that they remind me to be aware of the wonders in life.

I love my words in Chinese below the lovely and loving cats. Stay calm and smile more.....

Love from Helen