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Be organized
2010/02/02 13:38:29瀏覽106|回應0|推薦0
2006 / 12 / 12 (1 歲 1 個月)

Today's Goal:
Be organized.
Never struggle with deadlines, misplace items, and run late for appointments.

I have to implement following strategies..

1. Assign a place to keep all of my belongings.
I need more boxes to allocate trivious stuff, share the useless stuff to others, think twice befor buying any stuff, and get more informations about how to collect and clean.

2. Design processes to manage paper flow.

It is imperative that you set up systems to touch paper once and keep each type of document where I know I will be able to find it.

3. Know how long to keep important papers.

I need to shred all unnecessary documents. And sharing and resources recycling would be recommendablt method.

4. Regularly, dispose of items that are broken, torn, stained,
or haven’t been used for a period of time.

Purging items that have lost their usefulness will make it easier to find what you want.

5. Put each item away as soon as I am through using it.

Avoid the mentality…“I’ll set this down for now, it’s just temporary.” All too often, temporary turns into days, days turn into months and soon you’ll have a mountain of stuff to sort through. I have a choice…a minute now or hours later.

6. Use a calendar.

A calendar is a great tool if I use it consistently. For instance, it’s harder to overbook myself when I only have 24 hours per day on your calendar. More importantly it requires that I make choices…Ican’t do it all and be successful.

Make a list of all your goals. Put them in PRIORITY order, from most important to least important.
Estimate how much time it will take to complete each goal.
Fill in the current month of your calendar with your PRIORITY goals. (For example: work 8 - 5, Monday through Friday; family time 11 - 3, Sunday; personal development 7 – 8, Tuesday and Wednesday; gym 5:30 – 6:30, Monday through Thursday; etc.)
If there is still space in my calendar, record more goals from your list.
When my calendar is full, look at the goals left on my list and decide if you can delegate or dismiss them, if not, record them on successive months of my calendar. This will keep me from feeling guilty as you have assigned a time and place to tackle these other things and I don’t have to worry about forgetting them.

7. Only buy new items when I have sufficient space to display them,
store them, or I am prepared to let something else go.

It's false economics for me to keep buying more stuff if you can’t see, easily access, or enjoy it.

8. Organize everything in your life.

Organizing isn’t a one time task, it’s a habit. You will reap the greatest rewards if you organize everything in your grasp: your space, your time, your projects, your briefcase, your calls, your errands, your purse, your computer, your play time, etc.

9. Adjust your organizing system for new and changing circumstances.

My environment isn’t just any ole space. It’s my safe place, creative place, productivity place, and the place that reflects what I value most and supports I interests and lifestyle. Honor it, organize it, give it the attention it deserves and I will be amazed with the results.

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