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Music in my daily life.
2010/02/21 19:48:15瀏覽253|回應0|推薦0

Music helps to relax my tense muscles, and as I feel relaxed and calm, my worries and tensions float away into the background. Listening to affirming lyrics help me to feed my brain with positive thoughts. It will also provide me with more positive energy and will help to reduce the level of my stress. Music soothes my nerves and affects my mood in various situations.

Music has a tremendous power to help me in the process of healing stress and emotional trauma; I have lauded it as my reading and writing. And it is indispensable part in my daily life.

I use music to better my every day.

After waking up in the morning.
I would play calm and soothing music to begin my every morning. If there is enough time, doing yoga is additional nourishment. And my vegetables-filled breakfast would be accompanied with great music VCD or DVD.

On the way to work.
I would play higher and passionate music to boost enough energy for a long working day.

In the office.
I keep good collection of different genres of music in my office. And I categorize each type according to the emotion. If I am feeling sorry for myself, I will try sillier golden oldies. In case I am depressed, I can also try out roll and upbeat rocks.

On the way home.
I will play the music radio to minimize my distraction and stress and it will allow me to get carried off with the harmonious melody to my sweet home.

For the memory.
I have certain theme songs or melody for every relationship, every family member, lover, and impressive situations, there are certain special theme songs for them in my mind. However, most theme songs are a bit of sad tone. There are sadness for the pass of time, the changeable situation, and the mortal for everything in life. I am not sure when I am strong enough to play the theme song for my old brother but I know the melody or the lyrics, even depressing, would be the best collection and memories in my life. Furthermore, I realize that there are still a lot waiting for me to experience in my rest of life and I have to deeply savor any theme song for the future relationship, situation, and touch.

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