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I am not........
2010/02/27 08:29:21瀏覽243|回應0|推薦0
I was not motivated to make friends; it’s better to say to get closer to others because I found it’s so hard to find people with the familiar experience, mental outlook, and interest with me. I seldom burst out laugher which deepens emotional intimacy and allows great trust to take hold in a friendship. So inferior and insecure I was that I presumed I was not attractive enough to attract anything or any one. So stupid and weak I was to know that how much similarity I have with every one. And so self-defeating and self-pity I was to limit and label who I was.

As I am growing up, I am transforming into a more balanced, wise, and confident state. And every time when I am getting closer to any one I always remind myself following cognition to prevent me from inferiority, stress, and insecure to get closer to any one.
I am not the circumstances around me.
Where I believe I can make a positive impact on the circumstances, I will try. Where I cannot change circumstances, I will accept that they are so, and how they impact my own circumstances is so. But I will not let them bring me down. Instead I will rise above them, as they are not me. And I am a new person with open and curious mind to welcome others’ different stories and experiences.

I am not my possessions.
The material goods in my life include tools that can help me do and achieve things. The obsession for new dress is the only addiction I have in this material life. But while I may choose clothes-shopping to pamper myself in certain outside stuff, I realize they are all still mere things, mere dust, but I am so much more. I will not feel inferior and unsatisfied for how less I posses but feel thrilled to celebrate my friends’ achievements and possessions because what I really want to pursue is the love, contentment, secure, and peace in my mind, spirit, and emotion.

I am not my emotions.
I may feel joy, excitement, and other positive emotions, and I am grateful when I do. I may feel fear, anger and other challenging emotions, and I accept when I do. But because I am not my emotions, I know that only I have the power to let these emotions linger and influence my thoughts and actions, or to let go of the emotions so they do not. In this way, I will appear strong, optimistic, and high EQ in front of my new friends.

I am not my body.
I am not my skin, my scars, or my illness. I am not my body’s desires. I am not my appearance. But I accept responsibility for controlling my body’s desires, and I accept responsibility for doing my best to respect my body. Putting on my best make up and dress, I know I utilize my outside beauty to recall the beauty inside me.
I am not my thoughts.
I recognize that my thoughts have the power to open doors or create barriers for me in this human form, and so I will do my best to manage the direction of my thoughts. But though their range and influence may seem immense, still they are only human thoughts, with human limits, whereas I am unlimited. I am free, available and interesting for every one, every ideas, and every thing.

I am not my past.
Anything I have done or that has been done is done. I can choose to learn from it, I can choose to atone for it and seek forgiveness for it, and I can choose to cherish it. But I cannot change it, so I will not let it hold me. I will not let time hold me at all, as I am beyond that mere invention. The only moment to do and be is now, so now is where I am and who I am. I am part of every new friend. No matter what will be in the future, I am always true to myself at every present moment to every new friend.

I am my spirit.

I am that which existed before, during and after this body, these events, these relations, and this place. That which exists beyond time and space.

In my flesh, my thoughts, my choices, my relations, my humanness, I am anything but perfect. But at my core, in my spirit, I am perfect. As we all are.
So I am of each other. No matter how much difference I have from others. I know we are all the same. There is no need to feel inferior and superior. I am not making friends but possessing more mirrors to reflect who I am, how I feel, what I want, where I go, which I choose and when it will be….

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