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CLOSER ~ What do we really want from LOVE and Sex?!
2006/12/26 21:59:04瀏覽328|回應0|推薦0
CLOSER ~ What do we really want from LOVE and Sex?!
Tempo of CLOSER: Full of tense. Smoothy.
A very innocent yet in a way, very sophiscated girl, protective of her love bluntly.
When she knows that she is losing her love, she speaks out.
She will value her love if Daniel has ever at one moment stopped to change his choice of loving Anna. 
She knows all about loving someone because she has been the one not loving someone anymore before.   
So she talks to Daniel:" I am waiting for you ....to leave me....
Why don't you let me love you?"
She sees through the mask of art. So she says:" The Art lovers-- They see what they love to see, and call it beautiful. Hypocratic.."
She desires no protection from anyone, and she doesn't want to be the reventage tool by anyone, including Larry.  
Well, she is naive to claim this. For who knows how we are used as someone's revenge tool in our daily life.  
Love endures no tiny testing. Love seems a timing stuff, unfortunately waiting for no one.
He is honestly bewildered by his love relationships with Anna and Alice. He lives in his fantasy for perfect love, though he himself doesn't not act like one. He hates to hurt Alice if not telling the truth to her, yet he really hurts every woman he loves. 
Being jealous of Anna's seeing her ex-husband Larry, yet bot being able to accept what he has to exchnge to get Anna's divorce. He wins Anna and then loses her again on the day of Anna's divorce. What an irony.
He thinks himself a lunic addicting to know everything in detail about Alice being with Larry. But really, Dan knows nothing and really has no capability of handling the truth. He only imagines and accepts the perfect Alice, yet not knowing that perfect love and perfect characters only exist in fiction, since they only live in the author's imagination. In reality, they can't live up wiht the cruelty and changes of life.
Loving observes his wife, Anna, watching out on what her eye contact with Dan. He thinks Alice a canny character, pretending to look innocent. (He is right about this.)
He is sensitive to notice when he was welcomed by Anna when he's back form a conference for the first time.  He knew there was something wrong with Anna.
Ironically, he had sex with a whore while being away. When he was talking about going to take a bath, he deliberately used the word "dirty". As an audience, we may think that he is talking about Anna, but later we know he is implying his having sex with a whore while being away from Anna. The word "dirty" is a pun that fits their psychological state of mind. 
Larry isn't afraid of knowing how his love being betrayed. He wants to know all about the details of sex of Anna with Dan. How weird. So he calls himself a cave man.  I wonder why he knows that a cave man did such thing. Does he enjoys being hurt  as well?    It seems only Larry knows waht does Daniel have lost when he met Alice working as a show girl three months after leaving Dan.
No wonder Larry loves her,though he pays to buy the viewimng pleasure, yet cliging to the true face of Alice covering by her cruelty of the heart. This hurts him.   Deep down in his heart, Larry treats women as whores. He won't miss an opportunity of exchnge his envy for sex with women, even if it's from the sake of pity. He can wraps the sex with his gorgiveness of Anna. Weird.  
He doesn't think that love should go with happiness, eg, the depression patients they don't want happiness--they live happily in unhappiness.
In a way, Larry is still a a winner even though he accepts his failure in the love battle with Dan. He knows how and when to let go of what he has already lost and regain control of his life again.  
Why forgiveness matters when getting a revenge  is so easy and close.
Love is an temptation, so is lovers' revenge. 
Seeing Daniel since the opening of her photo show, and dating with him since then, yet still married to Larry. She loves Dan because he treats her much gentler than Larry. For Larry treats her like a whore sometimes.
Why forgiveness matters when getting a revenge  is so easy and close.
Love is an temptation, so is lovers' revenge. 
Sex, in name of temptation, is desire.
Sex, in name of careness and compassion, is love.
Sometimes, we meet someone we love here and there.
We loved each other and we left, without knowing who we really were ...or who we really are...or even What do you expect from love and sex...
當性以金錢買賣時,我們以限制級的方式,保護其可觀賞的面向,可近賞卻不可褻玩焉? 恐怕是可用眼褻玩,卻不可讓手玩! 這是世俗認為,男人是視覺的動物,而設計的遊戲吧! 也未必準確! 情色的遊戲,要真說個遊戲規則,就是沒有規則!
觀看! 讓欲望燒出痛苦和悲傷的過去,讓移情在一再暴露中,忘了自己的姓名!即使一再直呼世俗真名,也敗也擺脫不了逢場作戲的面具! 當我們越貼近真實時,我們越排斥這真實的平庸與無味!
當英國的Alice Meyer死了,如墓園那一面牆上的名,將存在風中的記憶,一如她也曾遊蕩過雨後的英國,遇上一個沒有voice,卻想當作家的寫訃聞的記者,她終於知道,她的愛情也一如訃聞般,速速地寫在速食的文化中! 她要的愛情,不是活在小說的水族館內的,不是被醫生當妓女式的,她要一種以她的真姓真名生活的愛情,或許只能怪她自己,以假名開始一個戀情,假名或許說的就是一種假仙的試驗態度,所以怎麼開始,必然也怎麼結束!
就簡略這樣記一記那一夜,我又遇上CLOSER的點點點滴滴... 坐在捷運車站望著這張海報,如今可以看著她發呆,想一想這些點點滴滴了...呵...

( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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