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Message Seven
2010/08/18 12:34:18瀏覽222|回應0|推薦1

      the indwelling , sevenfold  intensified Spirit in His restor-ing,deepening ,growing, and fruit-bearing power :1.In  the age of restoration the wolf will dwell with the lamb,the leopard will lie down with the Kid ,the cow and the bear will graze  ,the lion will eat straw like the ox, the nursing child will play by  the cobras hold, and the weaned child will stretch his hand upon the vipers den---vv.6-9a.

                     2.In   the  restoraton  Christs, restoring  power  will  cause a  change  in  the inward  nature  of  all  the  creatures  ;   thus , the situation  among them  will be pleasant,peaceful ,  and   lov-ing;the reason for this  change is  that  the Knowledge  of  Jehovah,  the  Knowing  of   God, will fill  the  earth--Rom. 8:19-21;Isa.11:9.

                  Because  the  church   life  is  a   foretaste  of   the  coming  age,what will  happen  in  Isaiah  11  should  be  among  us  today  as a  fore-taste;among  us  there  should  be  no  wolves,leopards ,bears,lions,and  vipers  --cf.Acts  20:29-30;Ezek.34:25

                 1.The church life may  be  considered  as a  zoo of  the  restora-tion  of  life,  where  all  have  their  nature  changed  through   the  Spirit and   by   Christ  as  the  sprout  and  the  branch-Hed.6:5;2Cor.3:18;Rom.12:2.

                2.Through the  divine  transformation  of  our  inner  being, weare able to  practice  the  Body life,where  the  Knowing  of  God  prevails,the peace  of Christ  aibitraes in  our  hearts,and all is  is  pleasant,peaceful.and loving-Isa.11:9;Col.3:15.                                  

( 心情隨筆愛戀物語 )
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