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Goodbye 2010, hello 2011 ! ^_^
2010/12/30 08:47:25瀏覽38|回應0|推薦0
All these photos were taken by Mr. zxc_eng


Time flies when you pass certain age. It always inspires me seeing elderlies hiking in their 70s. I guess there's still time to discover new places, as long as you have desire.

1. desert view sunset
2. dawn at yavapai

3. misty zion

4. cold fall zion

5. bryce canyon fresh snow

6. bryce canyon snow storm

7. antelope again

8. antelope winter. No light shaft

9. Toadstool. this year's new trail

10. toadstool

11. horse shoe bend sunset

12. valley of fire. No a good day.

13. yosemite small cascade. got a lot of mosquito bites for this.

14. yosemite valley view

15. summer hot day sunset
16. just another day

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