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2008/07/18 21:12:35瀏覽4101|回應4|推薦22 | |
不少人傾向視詩詞和音樂篇章如化妝品,製造來美化遭風吹、日曬、雨淋摧殘而變粗糙的生命肌膚。然而,如此樂觀的看法誤解了詩詞與音樂的本質,詩人並非以當化妝師為職志,卻集富於想像力的畫家與音樂家為一身,以描繪出現實世界裡藍天黑雲的起落。 例如:莎士比亞寫了一首名叫〔冬天〕的詩,用一連串家常甚至醜陋的具體生活細節,使讀者體驗嚴峻的寒冬日子。即使包含音韻 (長母音唸起來比短母音較為圓融響亮等)及意象 (圓木搬進屋裡生火、烘烤新出爐的蟹肉在碗裡嘶嘶作響等) 美感的元素,此首詩幾乎無美可言,於提到牧羊童凍得要靠嘴吹手指甲來取暖、剛從母牛奶頭擠出的牛奶,在裝進鐵桶後,送到廚房的路上凍僵了、咳不停的牧師忍受傷風之苦、以及婢女鼻子被冷風寒雪凍紅等十分艱苦的情景之際。 Not a few people
For instance,
Note: Part of my interpretation above is based on a
WINTER When icicles hang by the wall, And Dick the shepherd blows his nail, And Tom bears logs into the hall, And milk comes frozen home in pail, When blood is nipped and ways be foul, Then nightly sings the staring owl, “Tu-whit, tu-who!” A merry note, While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. When all aloud the wind doth blow, And coughing drowns the parson’s saw, And birds sit brooding in the snow, And Marian’s nose looks red and raw, When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl, Then nightly sings the staring owl, “Tu-whit, tu-who! ” A merry note, While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) <<不景氣的音樂 (by 旅居維也納的鋼琴小王子盧易之) 很多人以為音樂是真善美的代言人,彷彿各種音樂的最終目標都要以闡揚人間的真善美為依歸。事實上這是一種很片面的想法。音樂是一種語言,舉凡生活中各種好的 壞的、聰明的愚拙的、貧的富的、高尚的與不道德的,都可以在音樂中找到它的蹤跡。最近台灣經濟不景氣,物價、油價、電價已經讓生活的痛苦指數持續攀升。我
給不知道下一餐在哪裡的窮人 歌劇 普契尼 波西米亞人 / 痛苦指數**** 波希米亞人是個描述窮人愛情的歌劇。雖然整部作品以描述愛情為主,但是每當我聽到第一幕時,都會有種心酸的感覺。那是個嚴寒的冬天晚上,四個落魄的男人---一 個音樂家、一個畫家、一個詩人、一個哲學家窩在一間合租的房子裡,房租早已拖欠好幾個月,柴火又已燒盡。在這幾個男人冷得受不了的時候,音樂家出了個主
雖 然有許多歌劇都描寫不景氣的時代,但音樂畢竟多半還是承平時代的產物,當人們沒錢吃飯的時候,音樂這種非生活必需品的開銷一定會被列為首要刪減的項目。我
Source: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/luyichih-luigi/article?mid=889&prev=903&next=859 >> The most popular opera ever written! Against the festive holiday backdrop of 19th-century Paris on Christmas Eve, starving artists in the Latin Quarter engage in high jinks, high spirits and high romance. A chance meeting between the young poet Rodolfo and his neighbor Mimi leads to love while that other bohemian Marcello and his coquettish amour Musetta find that breaking up is hard to do. As the saying goes, the course of true love never did run smooth, and carefree happiness can turn to heartbreak in the twinkling of an eye. (Source: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=27820756) |
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