- 許多愉快的時光在車上; 我喜歡坐在後座、欣賞兒子和媳婦兩人一面開車、一面沒完沒了地談心......當然,兒子總是不忘回頭問問老媽好嗎,媳婦則總是不忘路上為我買一杯冰咖啡
Many pleasant memories in the car; I enjoyed sitting behind them and watching these two love birds' endlessly share their heart while my daughter-in-law was driving......my son would often turn and ask how I was doing, my daughter-in-law would often stop at a coffee shop and order something delicious for me
- 後座那兩個大的 (七歲和五歲),總是嘻哈不停
My two older grandchildren (age 7 and age 5) in the backseats were always playful....
- 他們身旁的老三(3 歲) 則是個獨行俠、永遠不知寂寞; 他時而自彈( 談)自唱,時而發現話題、找我發表一下意見
Their younger brother was never lonely; he would either enjoy singing, talking to himself or he would find some "important" topics to share with Grandma Lao-Lao
- 至於我身旁的老四,只要吃夠喝夠,總是要在車上昏睡一番; 你看他已雙眼瞇得不行了.....
As for the one year old, happily sleeping in the car had been his first priority as long as he was not hungry or thirsty
- 此刻,不但這人睡著了,連後座三個大的,都已累得靜巧無聲.....
Now not only the baby was asleep, even my three older grandkids were quiet down behind me.....
It hasn't been a month since we last time gathered, and I so miss them now....