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我妹妹小賢 My Sister Athena
2013/02/16 05:45:00瀏覽238|回應2|推薦0
My aunt and me, in Taiwan  (我姑姑和我,於台灣)

My aunt with her children and grandchildren, in the States (我姑姑和她的兒孫們,在美國)


感謝神!因祂的恩典、賜給我和妹妹信心滿滿地一同努力, 終於,爸爸和姑姑和好了。

I don't call Athena  "Biao Mei" which literally means "thesuperficial sister" as I don't call my mom's mother "Wai Po" which literally means "the outsider grandma".  
I rather call Athena “Mei Mei” as I rather do to my mom’s mother “Lao Lao”, which means younger sister, and, grandma.
Athena’s mother, my Gu-Gu, my aunt, was the only daughter of my grandparents and the only sister of my father. 
I never remembered my father being loving to Gu-Gu, somehow.
It happened that I also was the only daughter, and similar enough, had a lonely childhood. 
When I was 13 years old, I used to go to a girl's middle school by train, and the train station was right by my gu-gu’s house.  One day after school, I was so tempted to play with my two “younger sisters” that I walked toward Gu-Gu’s house right after I was off the station.
I will never forget how happy I was at Gu-Gu’s house, and I will never forget the consequence I had either!
Upon returning home a couple of hours late and reporting to my parents honestly, my father took a bamboo stick and whipped me so hard on my legs that they appeared all red and swollen.
It was a painful memory.

What really hurt were not my legs, but my heart which never dared to go to Gu-Gu’s house again.
Praise the Lord! Athena never gave up on me, from Taiwan, the States, Canada, and the States again.
Praise the Lord! Through His grace, Athena and I had worked hard together, and we eventually brought my father and his sister back to reconciliation.
Praise the Lord! Whenever I need a loving ear, my sister is there.
Thank you, Athena;  “Jie Jie” loves you.
(By Julia Chou)
( 心情隨筆家庭親子 )
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陳正華 Julia Chou@guest
Re: 我妹妹小賢 My Sister Athena
2013/02/20 11:02
Thank you, Baobei, your comment is very encouraging to me, too.

Because all of these, I have always been so thankful to see that you and your brother love each other deeply in the Lord.

Re: 我妹妹小賢 My Sister Athena
2013/02/19 10:16
This is sweet, Mama. It is encouraging to see that the Lord redeemed those years and have given you such a wonderful relationship through Athena.