My precious Number 10 grandchild. 我的第10 個寶貝孫兒 |
My oldest grandson says, "We are the bookends." 我的長孫說,「他和我,是書擋的兩頭兒。」 |
Bless your beautiful heart, my daughter! 女兒,願神賜福妳! |
Bless your strong heart, my "Son"! 我 「兒」,願神賜福你! |
這些是昨天女兒在她博客上貼出的相片,看得我想哭。 好在下個月就要和我丈夫開車到新墨州和科羅拉多州去看所有的孩子們,真等不及了!
I read my daughter's blog from yesterday and saw these pictures, and felt like crying. Can't wait when my husband and I drive in May to New Mexico and Colorado to see all of my children!
Lord Jesus, I praise your name!