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2024/12/13 05:30:27瀏覽86|回應0|推薦3 | |
台灣2024年度代表字出爐!「貪」字奪冠全因多起政治司法案件 網友敲碗喊加「這兩字」 FTNN新聞網]記者江佳蓉 由聯合報舉辦的「台灣2024代表字」票選活動今(10日)揭曉,「貪」字以8736票奪冠,獲選今年度代表字,與第2名「鬥」字僅相差410票,第三名則為「騙」字。此外,因票選期間正逢「世界棒球12強賽」,中華隊優異的成績全民有目共睹,因此,不少民眾紛紛喊「想加『棒』或『球』字」。
台灣2024代表字為「貪」字。 「台灣年度代表字大選」活動已邁入第17年,今(2424)年邀請來自各界名人、專家推薦,共募集到57個候選字,總投票數達7萬5926票。
另外,活動票選期間為11月13日至12月8日,恰逢中華隊奪得「世界棒球12強賽」冠軍,因此不少民眾反映沒有「棒」或「球」字可選,對此,王茂臻表示:「由於當時投票已開始進行,因此無法如願加字,相當可惜。」 https://tw.news.yahoo.com/台灣2024年度代表字出爐-貪-字奪冠全因多起政治司法案件-網友敲碗喊加-這兩字-135500019.html Brothers Four - Greenfields (1960) Somewhere there is a city as quiet as a dream, Covered with flowing dust up to the chest, In a slow river the water is like glass Somewhere there is a city where it is warm, - Our distant childhood passed there Ill hurry out of the house at night, Ill ask for a ticket at the station ticket office. Maybe for the first time in a thousand years: “Give me a reserved seat ticket until childhood!” Quietly the cashier will answer: “No tickets”... Well, buddy, how can I object to her? Where else can I ask for the way to childhood? Or maybe just sometimes Only in our memory do we come there?.. In this city fairy tales live, The wild winds are calling with them. Sometimes they drove us crazy there Pines to the sky, houses to the sun. There, winter silently walked through the snowdrifts A distant song in our destiny, Tender city, thank you! We wont come, dont wait in vain - There are other ways on the planet... We have grown up, believe us, and forgive us.. |
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