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2024/06/25 06:13:23瀏覽445|回應0|推薦4 | |
美元爭霸戰?沙烏地阿拉伯不續簽「石油美元協議」外媒:恐改用人民幣 [FTNN新聞網]記者蕭廷芬 沙烏地阿拉伯宣布不續簽跟美國之間的石油美元協議,這項決定也終結了超過半世紀的「石油美元」(Petrodollar)時代。
綜合外媒報導,美國在1974年6月8日跟沙烏地阿拉伯開始簽屬石油美元協議(petrodollar agreement),雙方約定以美元作為石油計價貨幣,美國則提供軍事保護及支持。自此之後,美元成為全球外匯儲備的重點貨幣,奠定美元在國際市場的霸主地位。 沙烏地阿拉伯的王儲、第8王子穆罕默德.賓.沙爾曼(Mohammed bin Salman)在9日宣布不續簽石油美元協議(petrodollar agreement)。
另有媒體「The New Arab」報導,「傳聞沙烏地阿拉伯將放棄石油美元,改使用人民幣」,報導內容表示,沙烏地阿拉伯在王儲的領導下,跟俄羅斯、中國愈走愈近,先前也因中東衝突相關問題,跟美國意見相左,例如將胡塞武裝組織從恐怖分子名單中刪除;專家們對此傳聞態度兩極,有人認為這是沙烏地阿拉伯對美元霸權的重大打擊,另一派專家則表示反對,指出沙烏地阿拉伯跟美國的關係正在好轉。 https://tw.stock.yahoo.com/news/美元爭霸戰-沙烏地阿拉伯不續簽-石油美元協議-外媒-恐改用人民幣-025300236.html Joan Baez - Diamonds and Rust "Diamonds & Rust" Well Ill be damned Here comes your ghost again But thats not unusual Its just that the moon is full And you happened to call And here I sit Hand on the telephone Hearing a voice Id known A couple of light years ago Heading straight for a fall As I remember your eyes Were bluer than robins eggs My poetry was lousy you said Where are you calling from? A booth in the midwest Ten years ago I bought you some cufflinks You brought me something We both know what memories can bring They bring diamonds and rust Well you burst on the scene Already a legend The unwashed phenomenon The original vagabond You strayed into my arms And there you stayed Temporarily lost at sea The Madonna was yours for free Yes the girl on the half-shell Would keep you unharmed Now I see you standing With brown leaves falling around And snow in your hair Now youre smiling out the window Of that crummy hotel Over Washington Square Our breath comes out white clouds Mingles and hangs in the air Speaking strictly for me We both could have died then and there Now youre telling me Youre not nostalgic Then give me another word for it You who are so good with words And at keeping things vague Because I need some of that vagueness now Its all come back too clearly Yes I loved you dearly And if youre offering me diamonds and rust Ive already paid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpD5_c2j1OM “Diamonds & Rust”是一首由瓊·貝茲(Joan Baez)創作、作曲和演唱的歌曲。它寫於 1974 年 11 月,於 1975 年發布。 在這首歌中,貝茲講述了一位舊情人打來的一通突如其來的電話,這讓她回到了十年前,大約在1964年或1965年格林威治村的一家“破舊”酒店。她回憶說,她給了他一對袖扣,並推測記憶會帶來“鑽石和鐵鏽”。貝茲表示,歌詞指的是她與鮑勃·迪倫的關係。 迪倫在接受鏡頭採訪時稱讚了這首歌:“我喜歡那首歌Diamonds & Rust。我的意思是,被收錄在瓊寫的東西中,呜,我的意思是,直到今天,它仍然給我留下了深刻的印象“。 |
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