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2024/07/20 06:16:48瀏覽315|回應0|推薦4 | |
拋金潮來了?銀樓金價創新高「每錢飆10030元」 網友抱緊處理:傻傻才賣 [FTNN新聞網]記者高麗玲/台北報導 國際金價再創歷史新高,今(17)日每盎司來到2482.24美元,台灣銀行黃金存摺價格,今日每公克衝破2600元,銀樓牌告價也來到每錢10030元,突破萬元高點,專家表示,金價可能繼續攀升,最快明天就會出現「拋金潮」。
不過,有不少網友認「通膨一直漲,金價只會往上,傻傻才賣」。 最近美國聯準會多名官員釋放「鴿派」訊息,鞏固市場對美國9月降息的預期,再加上美國前總統川普13日遇襲,投資人資金湧進黃金避險,國際黃金價格今日上午再飆升至歷史新高,每盎司來到2482.24美元。
台灣銀行黃金存摺價格也隨之上揚,今日每公克衝破2600元,上午報價一度來到2613元新天價,下午3點25分賣出價格為2600元。 台北市金銀珠寶公會副理事長、金加家珠寶董事長石文信今日接受媒體採訪時表示,今日開門掛牌一錢賣出價直奔10030元,衝破萬元。 如果是在3年前的低點5000元買進,現在已獲利50%,預估這2天就會出現拋金潮。
看到金價狂飆,讓很多網友心癢癢,「老婆說結婚金飾不准賣,六十幾萬放家裡真浪費」、「賣幹嘛= =想要被唸一輩子嗎 不過多數網友都覺得應該手握黃金,「戰爭一響 黃金…」、「貴金屬抗通膨還不錯」、「就只是證明鈔票更不值錢更該抱緊」、「通膨一直漲,金價只會往上,傻傻才賣」、「黃金就是避險阿 一堆傻鳥」,也有網友建議「黃金賣了換股票啦」。 https://tw.stock.yahoo.com/news/拋金潮來了-銀樓金價創新高-每錢飆10030元-網友抱緊處理-傻傻才賣-104500608.html Joan Baez - Diamonds and Rust Well Ill be damned Here comes your ghost again But thats not unusual Its just that the moon is full And you happened to call And here I sit Hand on the telephone Hearing a voice Id known A couple of light years ago Heading straight for a fall As I remember your eyes Were bluer than robins eggs My poetry was lousy you said Where are you calling from? A booth in the midwest Ten years ago I bought you some cufflinks You brought me something We both know what memories can bring They bring diamonds and rust Well you burst on the scene Already a legend The unwashed phenomenon The original vagabond You strayed into my arms And there you stayed Temporarily lost at sea The Madonna was yours for free Yes the girl on the half-shell Would keep you unharmed Now I see you standing With brown leaves falling around And snow in your hair Now youre smiling out the window Of that crummy hotel Over Washington Square Our breath comes out white clouds Mingles and hangs in the air Speaking strictly for me We both could have died then and there Now youre telling me Youre not nostalgic Then give me another word for it You who are so good with words And at keeping things vague Because I need some of that vagueness now Its all come back too clearly Yes I loved you dearly And if youre offering me diamonds and rust Ive already paid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpD5_c2j1OM “Diamonds & Rust”是一首由瓊·貝茲(Joan Baez)創作、作曲和演唱的歌曲。它寫於 1974 年 11 月,於 1975 年發布。 在這首歌中,貝茲講述了一位舊情人打來的一通突如其來的電話,這讓她回到了十年前,大約在1964年或1965年格林威治村的一家“破舊”酒店。她回憶說,她給了他一對袖扣,並推測記憶會帶來“鑽石和鐵鏽”。貝茲表示,歌詞指的是她與鮑勃·迪倫的關係。[1] 這首歌是貝茲在美國流行單曲排行榜上排名前 40 位的熱門歌曲,並被許多評論家和歌迷視為她最好的作品之一。這首歌是她1975年發行的暢銷專輯《Diamonds & Rust》的主打歌。 |
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