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山羌遭撞!頭卡保險桿跑60公里 搶救畫面曝
2023/12/26 05:30:00瀏覽188|回應0|推薦9

山羌遭撞!頭卡保險桿跑60公里 搶救畫面曝 NOWnews記者林莞茜/綜合報導 一名潘姓女駕駛,今(19)日上午從高雄出發,開車行經屏東縣大武鄉太麻里路段時,路途中以為石頭碰撞底盤便不以為意,豈料卻在行車超過60公里到關山鎮下車休息時,驚見車頭保險桿內卡了一隻山羌,嚇得她趕緊通知相關單位,在保養廠、野灣動物保護協會以及經縣府農業處人員協助下,山羌已緊急送往池上野灣野生動物醫院,目前正在加護病房治療中。

潘女表示,當時在大武鄉太麻里路段時,感覺有碰撞,但從擋風玻璃和後照鏡都無異狀,以為是石頭碰撞底盤,但到關山鎮的路途中,沿途都有對向來車對她閃燈示警,讓她一頭霧水,直到在關山鎮下車休息時,才發現一隻活生生的山羌卡在前保險桿,且傷勢嚴峻,奄奄一息。 野灣野生動物保育協會表示,山羌是很容易緊迫的動物,其左前肢、右前肢閉鎖性骨折、下顎開放性骨折,合併氣胸、低體溫、多處擦挫傷,傷勢真的滿嚴重的,所以後續就看他撐不撐得下來。但依照過去的經驗,也是有很多次都覺得動物活不下來,結果康復的。



Anne Murray - Snowbird

Beneath this snowy mantle cold and clean

The unborn grass lies waiting

For its coat to turn to green

The snowbird sings the song he always sings

And speaks to me of flowers

That will bloom again in spring

When I was young

My heart was young then, too

Anything that it would tell me

Thats the thing that I would do

But now I feel such emptiness within

For the thing that I want most in lifes

The thing that I cant win

Spread your tiny wings and fly away

And take the snow back with you

Where it came from on that day

The one I love forever is untrue

And if I could you know that I would

Fly away with you

The breeze along the river seems to say

That hell only break my heart again

Should I decide to stay

So, little snowbird

Take me with you when you go

To that land of gentle breezes

Where the peaceful waters flow

Spread your tiny wings and fly away

And take the snow back with you

Where it came from on that day

The one I love forever is untrue

And if I could you know that I would

Fly away with you

Yeah, if I could you know that I would

Fl-y-y-y-y away with you


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