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2023/10/31 05:51:36瀏覽244|回應0|推薦4 | |
北風起 霜降近 斗換星移 太陽西斜 每天角度都不同 蒲(學名:Typha orientalis),香蒲科香蒲屬植物,別名和俗名包括水蠟燭、東方香蒲、蒲黃、蒲草、蒲菜。其種加詞「orientalis」意為「東方的」。 葉:窄線形4-6mm長0.5-1.2米,深綠色,自基部為膜形葉鞘,合抱直立,莖生葉僅有葉鞘且無葉片。 花:4-9月開花,花期長,花莖直立,莖頂生單柱圓筒狀花穗,黃綠色與褐色;花序雌雄同株,雌雄花序不分離,雄花序位在上方,長3-4公分,有1—7雄蕊,花絲分離或合生,花葯線形。雌花序位在下方,長7-9公分,有柄,無花被,托有柔毛狀或狹長匙形的小苞片;子房1室,頂端漸狹,花柱狹長,有1胚珠。為其與同屬香蒲屬的水燭分辨之特徵。 熱帶和溫帶地區之溪床、廢魚池、水稻田、沼澤、海岸濕地,呈現帶狀分布。 南美原住民使用香蒲製成香蒲船。 紙莎草生長在熱帶至亞熱帶的環境中,不論是潮濕的森林或乾燥的沙漠,只要全年均溫在20到30℃且土壤pH值在6.0-8.5就可以生長。紙莎草的花在暮夏盛開,並且傾向於在全日照到半陰涼的環境開花。像許多典型的熱帶植物一樣,紙莎草對霜很敏感。 紙莎草羽毛狀的花是許多社會性鳥類築巢的地點。像許多莎草科植物一樣,它是風媒花,且果實由流水帶走。 John Denver - Back Home Again (from The Wildlife Concert) Theres a storm across the valley, clouds are rollin in The afternoon is heavy on your shoulders. Theres a truck out on the four lane a mile or more away The whinin of his wheels just makes it colder. Hes an hour away from ridin on your prayers up in the sky, And ten days on the road are barely gone, Theres a fire softly burnin, suppers on the stove, But its the light in your eyes that makes him warm, Hey, its good to be back home again, Sometimes this old farm feels like a long-lost friend, Hey, its good to be back home again. Theres all the news to tell him, howd you spend your time, And whats the latest thing the neighbors say? And your mother called last Friday Sunshine made her cry, And you felt the baby move just yesterday. Hey, its good to be back home again. Sometimes this old farm seems like a long-lost friend. Hey its good to be back home again. And oh the time that I can lay this tired old body down, And feel your fingers feather soft upon me. The kisses that I live for, the love that lights my way, The happiness that livin with you brings me. Its the sweetest thing I know of just spending time with you Its the little things that make a house a home. Like a fire softly burnin and supper on the stove and the Light in your eyes that make me warm. Hey, its good to be back home again. Sometimes this old arm feels like a long-lost friend. Hey, its good to be back home again. Hey, its good to be back home again. Sometimes this old farm feels like a long-lost friend. Hey, its good to be back home again. |
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