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2023/11/30 05:33:36瀏覽305|回應0|推薦7 | |
今天途經林家花園 百年古蹟配上藍天白雲 綜觀林家的歷史,就算面對數萬的敵軍,林家人也是毫無畏懼,總可以在沙場上戰勝對手,不過諷刺的是,在面對清廷「自己人」的時候,卻反而遭到無情的出賣。林家花園裡有一座全臺僅存的華麗福州式戲臺,想像當年繁盛的林家,夜晚在此看戲飲宴,排場可說是風光一時,不過在戲臺下,林家的故事甚至比戲劇更為精采。雖然前後三位族長的殞落,都帶來了家族的危機,不過他們總能一次次渡過難關,正顯示了臺灣人堅韌的精神,相信這篇阿罩霧傳奇世世代代都會牢記在霧峰人的心中。 花園就是要有花 整排的蘭花讓你目不暇及 樟公巷就是從這裡開始 千歲牆應該超過1000歲了 缺口姬尺蛾 霧峰區的舊稱就是「阿罩霧」,其名由來一說為阿立昆族貓羅社所居之地的原住民族阿罩霧社;另一說為山區經常煙霧朦朧繚繞阿罩霧山,樟公廟的名稱是來自於當地一棵樹齡200年的大樟樹,被居民稱為「樟公」神木。這一條產業道路為緩上坡,道路兩側大多是果園,沿途環境安靜悠閒。 民國92年農曆12月26日樟公廟整修、內外殿彩畫及樟公樟媽神樹。
路邊的虎尾蘭開花了 梨花居然也開了 藍天白雲下的鳳梨田 即將凋謝的山芙蓉 山間的誠實商店~~~桂圓 偏鄉的自動投幣販賣機~~~白柚 開心農場的洛神花 開心農場的甜椒 開心農場的紅肉柳丁 開心農場的百香果 Snowbird Elvis Presley Beneath this snowy mantle cold and clean The unborn grass lies waiting For its coat to turn to green The snowbird sings the song he always sings And speaks to me of flowers That will bloom again in spring When I was young my heart was young then too Anything that it would tell me Thats the thing that I would do But now I feel such emptiness within For the thing that I want most in lifes The thing thing that I cant win Spread your tiny wings and fly away And take the snow back with you Where it came from on that day The one I love forever is untrue And if I could you know that I would Fly away with you The breeze along the river seems to say That hell only break me heart again Should I decide to stay So little snowbird take me with you When you go To that land of gentle breezes Where the peaceful waters flow Spread your tiny wings and fly away And take the snow back with you Where it came from on that day The one I love forever is untrue And if I could you know that I would Fly away with you |
( 在地生活|中彰投 ) |