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2024/12/05 06:22:11瀏覽427|回應0|推薦5 | |
再不改要洗腎⋯腎臟科名醫眼中10大傷腎習慣:第一名比「吃太鹹」更糟 【早安健康張書瑜】 台灣竟是「洗腎之島」!台灣有將近200萬人處在慢性腎衰竭過程中,等於 將近10%人口的腎臟都有點問題,其中甚至有一半以上不知道自己的腎臟有問題,腎臟權威洪永祥醫師指出,台灣人10大傷腎習慣,第一名比亂吃藥、吃太鹹更危險,不改恐洗腎!
過了40歲後,腎功能跟你的視力你的大腦一樣,一直在老化、一直在衰退。透過洪永祥醫師20年腎臟科醫師經驗談,提醒大家如何保護自己的腎臟,別忘了從今天開始,試著有意識低避開這些傷腎的壞習慣! 不知不覺中一直在傷腎!
台灣人十大傷腎習慣你有幾個? 1.水喝太少 每天記得喝足體重3%到4%的白開水!
2.高油鹽糖飲食 減少外食比例與降低醬料調味,改用天然蔥、薑、蒜、辣椒香料等,並且多攝取膳食纖維! 3.抽菸與空污PM2.5 一定要戒菸,空污嚴重時務必把窗戶關緊、不要外出活動。
4.高壓與熬夜 善用運動與冥想、戒除熬夜壞習慣,養成早睡早起習慣,務必在十一點前入睡。 5.止痛藥、抗生素與成藥濫用 不要自己亂買抗生素,任何超過三天需要止痛消炎或成藥,務必諮詢醫師!
6.飲料零嘴加工類食品 養成喝白開水,與吃天然原型、當令當季食物的好習慣。 7.憋尿 憋尿壞習慣到老後經常頻尿、漏尿、急尿等,務必養成不憋尿的好習慣。
8.久坐不運動 上班能站就不要坐太久,下班後更不要一直窩在沙發上,每三十分鐘就要起來活動筋骨。 9.錯誤進補與保健品 若任何使用超過三個月的保健品,還是要找醫師諮詢並定期追蹤肝腎功能,切莫聽信銷售人員的單方說詞。
10.使用錯誤的飲食飲水容器 嚴格檢視進入我們肚子的飲食飲水的容器,務必選擇合格的廠商與安全材質。 經年累月不自知的傷腎壞習慣,就是造成你的腎功能比一般人衰退得快的原因。 戒掉壞習慣越早越好,避免讓自己的未來步入洗腎的風險,幫助自己的腎臟一臂之力! https://www.edh.tw/article/33327 dana winner my friend the wind My friend the wind will come from the hills When dawn will rise, hell wake me again My friend the wind will tell me a secret He shares with me, he shares with me My friend the wind will come from the north With words of love, she whispered for me My friend the wind will say she loves me And me alone, and me alone Ill hear her voice and the words That he brings from Helenimou Sweet as a kiss are the songs of Aghapimou Soft as the dew is the touch of Manoulamou Oh oh oh Well share a dream where Im never away from Helenimou Blue are the days like the eyes of Aghapimou Far from the world will I live with Manoulamou Oh oh oh My friend the wind go back to the hills And tell my love a day will soon come Oh friendly wind you tell her a secret You know so well, oh you know so well My friend the wind will come from the north With words of love, she whispered for me My friend the wind will say she loves me And me alone, and me alone Ill hear her voice and the words That he brings from Helenimou Sweet as a kiss are the songs of Aghapimou Soft as the dew is the touch of Manoulamou Oh oh oh Well share a dream where Im never away from Helenimou Blue are the days like the eyes of Aghapimou Far from the world will I live with Manoulamou Oh oh oh La la la .... Helenimou La la la .... Aghapimou La la la .... Manoulamou La la la .... Helenimou La la la .... Aghapimou La la la .... Manoulamou |
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