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2024/02/02 05:32:46瀏覽662|回應0|推薦6

運動時,呼吸要用力吐氣還是放鬆吐氣?                      作者/C4


正確的呼吸方式有助於血液攜帶氧氣進入細胞,並將其提供細胞動力,不僅能夠幫助運動表現、確保運動中的安全,還能夠提升燃脂效益,而螢幕前的你是用力時吐氣,還是放鬆時吐氣呢? 中軸要穩 四肢才能完整發力 在進行重量訓練時,因為身體需要在乘載重量時同時四肢發力,因此我們的身體、軀幹、核心一定要穩,才有辦法應付訓練。


在憋氣狀態下 身體最為穩定 在憋氣狀態下,因為身體沒有氣流的干擾,這時核心是最為穩定的,軀幹的力量才會是最大的,這也可以說明說為什麼健力、舉重選手在發力的那一刻,從頭到尾都是憋氣直至漲紅臉。


那運動時應該要用力吐氣 還是放鬆吐氣? 回到本篇的重點『應該要用力時吐氣,還是放鬆時吐氣』,其實這個答案沒有一定!




John Denver with Olivia Newton John "Fly Away"

All of her days have gone soft and cloudy

All of her dreams have gone dry

All of her nights have gone sad and shady

Shes getting ready to fly

Fly away, fly away (fly away)

Life in the city can make you crazy

The sounds of the sand and the sea (Im of the sea)

Life in a high-rise can make you hungry

For things that you cant even see

Fly away, fly away (fly away)

In this whole world theres nobody as lonely as she (nobody as lonely as me)

Theres nowhere to go and theres nowhere That shed rather be (I rather be)

Shes looking for lovers and children playing

Shes looking for signs of the spring (where is the spring?)

She listens for laughter and sounds of dancing

She listens for any old things

Fly away, fly away (fly away)

In this whole world theres nobody as lonely as she (nobody as lonely as me)

Theres nowhere to go and theres nowhere

That shed rather be (I rather be)

All of her days have gone soft and cloudy

All of her dreams have gone dry (where are my days?)

All of her nights have gone sad and shady

Shes getting ready to fly

Fly away, fly away

Fly away (fly away)

(Where are my days?)

(Where are my nights?)

(Where is the springtime?)

(I wanna fly)

(I wanna fly)

(I wanna fly)


( 時事評論社會萬象 )
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