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2021/07/29 03:20:41瀏覽41|回應0|推薦0
Damn, Amie! You’ve been a busy girl!

Okay let me take a stab at mine...

First book I wrote back in 2001: Ain’t Misbehavin’ (was originally Lust be a Lady). Subbed that for years before shelfing it. I pulled it out later, rewrote parts of it and sold it to Cobblestone in 2007.

Second Book 2001: Bottom’s Up. Very sex and the city, totally chaotic. 4 Pov’s and never saw the light of day when I realized it was crap.

Third book 2003: Dangerous Grounds (was Grounds for Arousal) this is when I started to take my writing career more seriously. Sold to Samhain in 2007

Fourth book 2003: Tempting Adam (was Forbidden Fruit)sold to Samhain in 2007.

What happened to 2004? I must have not written… hmm I think I was busy subbing. And I had a new baby.

Fifth book in late 2005: The Pirate’s Booty a novella that I eventually sold to Cobblestone Press in 2006, but garnered me much agent interest.

Sixth book in 2006: Tourist Attraction, a novella I sold in 2006.

* Oops, forgot Silk Hauntings, a novella I sold and then pulled. It’s out again for submission.

Seventh Book in 2006: This Spells Trouble. A short story antho I did in 2006, sold to Cobblestone Press.

Eight Book in 2006: Cabin Fever a short story I ending up placing at Cobblestone Press.

Ninth Book in 2006: Love for Sale I sold to Cobblestone Press.

Tenth Book in 2006: Dating Season that I sold to Cobblestone Press. Was part of an antho. Don’t quite know what happened there.

Eleventh book in 2007: I dig back into writing full lengths (man did I go on a short/novella tangent!) and wrote The Captured Rose. My erotic sci fi that won the Stroke of Midnight contest in its category. Has yet to sell but has garnered much agent interest.

Twelve book in 2007: Primal Attraction, novella, to Cobblestone Press.

Thirteenth book in 2007: Trust and Dare, an interracial erotic novella I sold to Samhain.

We’re now entering land of ‘written and subbing out’

Fourteenth book: Negligee Behavior (was titled Heiress under Covers)a full length contemp that is out with several agents and one editor.

Fifteenth book/s: 3 novellas for an antho I wrote. All contemp following the stories of three women who work for a women’s abuse shelter. On the hotte side.

Sixteenth book: Taken, the 3rd book in the Seattle Steam series (I hope!) Though my hero was a bit too creepy/stalkerish so it’s being rewritten/tweaked.

Books that haven’t quite taken off: One really high concept book I have, but would rather pitch it to an agent first.

A civil war era historical, that was fun to write and research. I got about 50 pages in and went…hmm maybe not. I may revive it some day. But change the era.

And I *think* that’s it. OMG that took a long time to write.

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