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Inspite of being Child Free myself
2021/07/29 17:07:26瀏覽43|回應0|推薦0
I largely agree with this post. I do think that Debs@7 is really wrong though – we use “child free” to say a big FUCK YOU to all the people who think women *should* or *must* have children and are to be pitied if they can’t (I hate those people, btw) (as the OP mentions, in fact).

I don’t want to discriminate against children, and I’m happy for children to share public spaces with me (sometimes they annoy me, but sometimes adults annoy me to, avoiding annoying people can be hard). I think it would be really silly to hate all children – I don’t want to be a mother, I don’t want to raise children myself and I’d probably hate the day-to-day tasks of doing so but I don’t actually hate *children*. It seems a weird thing to say really.

I wouldn’t be opposed to allowing children everywhere I allow adult acquaintances in my life; however sometimes someone will read “dress code: fetish or formal wear; Please bring copious alcohol” on party directions, bring their child and then *complain* about the kinky clothing, the booze, the swearing… not all spaces are going to be “child friendly” by the definition of all parents – from the glass ornaments to the dressmaking pins scattered on the table, from talking about sex to in-depth technical discussions of computers… you might not want your child to be in my house.

So sometimes I’m tempted to say “no children” but what I really mean is “this house is not set up for your child, these people are not going to avoid the conversations they want to have to please your child, if this is going to bother you then please do not bring your child” (we will, generally, talk to any child, for a bit, but just as no individual adult gets to be the centre of the conversation all evening neither will any individual child be)
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